Jun 15, 2016 01:50
Hello there, I am looking for two specific fics and I was hoping this community could help me find them! C:
- The first fic I'm looking for is basically a groundhog day. It's in Tony's point of view and he figures out he's reliving the invasion over and over again. (Not believing it himself at first, believing it to be a dream, until it happens again.) He wakes up to Jarvis warning him that Pepper is on his way up for a meeting? And that's how it starts the first and second time. Once he figures out that this is actually happenin - and that he's the only one on the team that remembers - he tries to stop clint from becoming mind controlled whilst also trying to save Phil. In one of the loops he lets New York blow up from the bomb, in another Phil is leading the Alien invasion, etc. He figures out that Loki also remembers the time loops and they figure out that a time loop starts over when one of them dies. I believe it's Loki/Tony and I never finished reading... Also a stray detail I remember is that to get Fury to believe Stark, Tony tells Fury the code word 'Pink Tutu'
- The second fic is a bit vague - I apologise - since I haven't read it in a long long while, and the details are kinda fuzzy. However I know that in the fic Tony Stark was a mutant. I know his mutation caused him to grow wings. I know they grew in as a child; and that Maria and Jarvis (The butler) helped Tony hide them from Howard. I know the Ten Rings cut them off when he was in Afghanistan. I know they started to grow back when the Avengers moved in. I also know he tried to hide them with a long brown trench coat. It might have been the middle of Summer? I vaguely remember Hawkeye being suspicious because it was summer and he was wearing a long and thick ass trench coat. I also remember that once they found out and everyone was cool with it, (I think they were living in the Malibu house and not the Tower or maybe they were vacationing at the Malibu house?) Hawkeye challenged him to do a really hard trick that fighter pilots do, or something like that. It was a really complicated Pilots move, that he did pull off with little effort. That's it. That's all I remember. Sorry it's a tad vague. Thank you guys for the help! C:
character: thor,
character: tony stark,
theme: team theme: team!fic,
pairing: tony/loki,
theme: team!fic,
character: bruce banner,
theme: tony (insecure),
search: fic (specific),
theme: chitauri,
theme: loki (brainwashed),
movie: avengers,
theme: loki (controlled),
character: loki,
theme: tony (mutant),
character: clint barton,
theme: tony (bamf),
character: phil coulson,
theme: loki (hurt),
character: steve rogers,
theme: coulson lives,
theme: loki (abused),
character: natasha romanov