Avenger going insane

Jun 11, 2015 20:04

This plot idea has been on my mind for almost a week now and I don't know where it came from; I don't recall ever reading an Avenger story like it.  Here goes:  An Avenger (your choice) is slowly slipping into madness.  It could be hearing voices.  Or spells of catatonia.  Or falling into an uncontrollable rage and lashing out.  (No Bruce for this one; the behaviour can't be nornal for them.)  Maybe swift mood changes; going from rage to giddy to weepy.  Or they're showing alzheimer's symptoms where they don't recognize their teammates or surroundings for several minutes.

How does it take for the person and the team ro recognize somethings wrong.  How does the person cope.  How does the team cope.  How about public backlash when they're affected in public during a mission or public appearance.  I think a lot of interesting thing can be done with this idea.  How 'bout it, hun?

theme: thor (hurt), theme: bruce (hurt), genre: hurt/comfort, theme: coulson (hurt), theme: steve (hurt), theme: amnesia, theme: clint (hurt), theme: tony (hurt), theme: natasha (hurt), genre: angst, theme: transformation, theme: team (protective)

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