Jul 01, 2014 22:22
The story I'm looking for takes place before any of the movies, Thor and Loki are children. Loki wants to go sledding, even though it's summer, so they go convince Heimdall to send them to Midgard. Thor steals his father's shield to use as a sled. The story has the realms as branches of Yggdrasil, so when Thor and Loki careen off a huge mound of snow, they end up crash-landing in Jotunheim. They're taken prisoners, and Odin goes to convince Laufey to set them free. Odin offers to trade the Casket of Ancient Winters for his children, and Laufey, who by this point has worked out that Loki is not Odin's child but his own (It was really cold in Jotun dungeons and his blue skin showed up) says very specifically, that he is willing to trade Odin's offspring for the Casket. Loki is not biologically Odin's offspring, so Laufey gets to keep him. Odin doesn't pick up on this, agrees, but doesn't get Loki when he comes back the next day with the casket. He's not willing to go to war though, so he leaves with Thor. Thor is extremely angry at this, I think he throws some things in his room and yells at Sif and the Warriors 3. Loki finds out he's a prince of Jotunheim, has a sister named Helblindi and a brother named Byleistr. Laufey had not abandoned him, (Really though, if he really was left to die, why was he in a temple? Sacred Ground!) but had hidden him there for safekeeping, thinking no one would dare trespass on Sacred Ground. Loki tries to get used to this new life while Thor fights to get his brother back.
I don't remember any more, but hopefully, someone out there knows what I'm talking about. Also, there's a picture for it on deviantArt, if someone could give the link for that too, it'd be awesome.
theme: thor (protective),
character: thor,
character: laufey,
theme: kid!fic,
genre: pre-avengers,
theme: stepbrothers,
character: loki,
theme: hidden identity,
theme: loki (jotun),
genre: au