Dec 28, 2023 09:24
Hi! I thought I bookmarked this but I haven't had luck finding it anywhere. Here's what I remember:
- It is mainly following Steve on the day he realizes he loves (or is in love?) with Tony. He's a bit nervous to tell him but mainly excited.
- He tells him in the tower or workshop?
- Tony is stricken as he thinks he's unworthy, and responds with something like "you can't" or "no you don't".
- Tony eventually returns the "I love you", but it's through gritted teeth because he's so sure he's going to ruin things for them. He says something along the lines of "best case scenario, you'll be disappointed."
- To my recollection, it was a oneshot on AO3.
Thank you so much for your help!
theme: tony (insecure),
search: fic (specific),
pairing: tony/steve