Title: We Still Though We Lost
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6 Chapters/4,666 words (completed)
Pairings: eventual Clint Barton(Hawkeye)/Phil Coulson
Fandom: The Avengers (2012/MCU)
Psychopomp-AU (Twisted in my own way, of course)
Series Name:
Shades: Asphyxiation on Ao3 and on
LJA/N: Yes, So another fandom without updating the original H50 stories, I'm sorry. It's been slow going but I am working on one right now.
Summary:After the battle with the Chitari, families are notified and they begin to grieve, the Avengers chief among them.
Everyone--even Phil Coulson, maybe especially him--has secrets. SHIELD is good a ferreting them out, but there are some things that the organization just doesn't know to look for.
That's probably why they don't notice Phil is alive for a few days until the coroner goes to do the standard SHIELD autopsy.
Link to Ao3. Link to LJ Master List.