Title: Explosions
Characters/Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Maria Hill, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, Clint Barton
Rating: R
Genre: het, slash, angst, h/c
Word Count: 2,016
Disclaimer: Don't own anything; just having fun.
Warnings/Spoilers: Strong language; Spoilers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Agents of Shield Season 1
Author's Notes: This was written for the Matchmaker challenge over at the
gameofcards Landcomm. I was given the pairing Bucky/Maria. It also fills the "trapped together" square on my
hc_bingo card located
This is unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine. I had a deadline on this, but I'm hoping to go back soon and have it beta'd.
This is the first fic I've written in almost a year, and it's the first time I've really written Bucky and Maria, so I hope I got the characterizations right. I do hope you enjoy.
Summary: As explosions rip through the tower, Maria must overcome her feelings to find Steve and rescue Bucky and Tony.
At my LJ;
At AO3.