Looking for reads

Nov 13, 2022 16:03

I love to read a lot and my main person in avengers is Tony
Im mainly into Tony bring a Little, deaged Tony, kid/child Tony. I love anything Tony related but if you can help me find more of those types I’m mainly looking for please help me. Im in here,Wattpad,AO3,fanfiction.net so I take anything from any of those places. Also I’m fine with others bring little or deaged. But I’m kinda picky Tony as to be the youngest and the main person.

Please help me find more reads and please comment with links thank you

Couldn’t add this tag but I meanly like Tony paired with anther man. What I don’t like him paired with is Peter (just creepy to me) So not an fan of Tony/Pepper but I’m ok with him paired with Natasha

rating: r, character: tony stark/iron man, rating: pg, pairing: threesomes&moresomes, rating: pg-13, rating: nc-17, rating: g

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