New Fic: The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers (Steve Rogers, the OG6, Bucky Barnes, others)

May 02, 2020 23:08

Title: The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers
Author: hafital
Characters/Pairing: Steve Rogers, Steve & Bucky, Bucky & Sam, Steve & Sam, Steve/Natasha, Steve/Peggy, Steve/Bucky, Steve & Thor, Steve & Steve, Steve & Tony, Steve & Howard, Thor & Loki, Thor & Frigga, Loki & Frigga, Steve & Heimdall, the Ancient One, the Howling Commandoes, the OG6
Rating: General Audiences, PG-13
Warnings: mild violence, abuse of the multiiverse
AO3 Tags:Time Travel, Alternate Universe, Avengers: Endgame, Fix It Fic
Summary: What happens when Steve Rogers steps onto the quantum platform to return the Stones? Where does he go? What challenges does he find? Who does he meet? How many lifetimes can one man have?

This is a five part series that explores Steve Rogers' travels through the multiverse. Except for the first part and the epilogue, most of it takes place entirely within the five seconds after Steve disappeared from the platform. It is also canon compliant, but since 95% of it takes place in alternate timelines, it is also canon divergent. :D

Though I consider this story to be gen (i.e. romance and/or pairings are not the focus and the series is entirely non-explicit) with Steve as the main character throughout, I realize ymmv on that score, and will attempt to tag accordingly. Please check each part for character and relationship tags, and check the author's notes.

The entire series can be found here: The Lifetimes of Steve Rogers

Part 1: The Second Five Years
Part 2: The Infinity Stones
Part 3: The Third Five Years
Part 4: The Alternate Years
Part 5: The Promise

character: steve rogers/captain america, movie: the avengers, genre: gen, rating: pg-13, movie: captain america

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