FIC: "Every Dumbass, Stupid, Idiot Idea" (Bucky/Steve; Clint; Pietro; Rated Teen)

Mar 11, 2016 00:24

Title: Every Dumbass, Stupid, Idiot Idea
Author: taste_is_sweet
Pairings/Characters: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers; Pietro Maximoff; Clint Barton
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3949
Warnings: None.
"Bucky," Steve said.

"No," Bucky said immediately, because he knew that voice. That was Steve's "I'm not gonna fight you" voice. That was his, "go on, get outta here!" only without the shouting. That was every dumbass, stupid, self-sacrificing idiot idea he'd ever had, distilled into that one word. "No, Steve. Whatever you're thinking. It ain't happening. No fucking way."

"Bucky," Steve said again, in that same terrible voice, "I'm…too heavy. M'not…going to let…you die…on your…birthday."

Notes: Written for Bucky Barnes' Big Birthday Bash on March 10th.

Part 2 of the Self-Sacrifice and Other Idiot Ideas series.

Here on AO3.

(Mods, could we get a tag for Pietro Maximoff, please? Thank you! :D )

character: steve rogers/captain america, movie: the avengers, rating: pg-13, character: clint barton/hawkeye, media: fanfiction, character: bucky barnes/winter soldier, pairing: steve/bucky, genre: gen, author/artist: t, genre: slash

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