MCU catchup

Dec 13, 2015 10:50

Some fic, one meta resource:

3300 words | PG-ish | Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, etc.

Tony's reasons for helping Bucky Barnes can be entirely attributable to general do-gooderism and a love of science. (Because he really, really hates it when people rub his personal growth in his face.)

Creation Myth
870 words | PG-ish | Steve Rogers (Howling Commandos)

Smoke, mirrors, and the true birth of the Howling Commandos.

True Faith and Allegiance
2000 words | PG-ish | Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton

"Are you ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" means something else in the Twenty-First Century. Bucky Barnes has the same answer. Sam Wilson, former Avenger and current fugitive, appreciates that on many levels, including the ones he's sure he's missing.

1500 words | PG-ish | Bucky Barnes, Peggy Carter (Steve Rogers)

It's less strange bedfellows and more complementary parts: Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter have more in common than Steve Rogers: they have a war to win. And a war to survive.

3800 words | PG-ish | Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers

In which Wanda uses her powers for good and Bucky starts sorting through his past, both metaphorically and kinda literally.

Sam Wilson, actual badass [meta]
The requirements for becoming a USAF pararescueman. Or, why Sam really wasn't kidding when he said that he did everything Steve did, just more slowly.

character: steve rogers/captain america, movie: the avengers, character: tony stark/iron man, character: sam wilson/falcon, media: fanfiction, character: bucky barnes/winter soldier, author/artist: d, character: peggy carter, movie: captain america 2, genre: gen, movie: captain america

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