Mar 07, 2005 21:44
haven't updated in awhile...
thought i'd fill you all in on my exciting life...
the following lines describe that of which my life consists:
[x] emptiness
[x] pain
[x] hopelessness
[x] desire
notice the void,
as is my life...
a few good friends,
if listing is needed,
please inquire within.
there lies bliss between the lines,
but it is so hard to find.
and ignorance proves the only truth.
ever feel like you were melting away,
your existence seems meaningless and reason to continue is unforeseen...
it is all i consider in days of late.
look how i talk,
like i'm crazy or something.
i live for one and only,
for who i am to him..
is nothing at all.
yet without,
life seems lost..
no purpose or form,
just bitter confusion.
i feel much,
but its origin unclear.
my soul feels weakened by an unknown force,
its breath ever present,
breaking my focus,
smothering.. it remains...
cutting off that which keeps me here.
i do not see my future,
i once had all the answers.
now bewilderment is the only assurance,
and i cannot grasp meaning...
not bad, eh?
how many of you think i'm crazy?
i'm really not.. just bored, i suppose.
respond at your dispose...