Jun 14, 2012 15:31

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round #07, rounds

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Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous June 15 2012, 17:23:45 UTC
Imagine that Howard Stark meant exactly what he said in the video - Tony is really his greatest creation… And actually has no blood relation to Stark the eldest.
Imagine that Tesseract was not the only thing to be found in Tønsberg - after all, something - or even someone had to bring it to Earth, no? And while Schmidt got the cube… Howard managed to get his hands on the alien remains that came with it.

And Tony is the product of Howard’s experiments with it.

And of course whatever race the corpse was from - they age much, much slower than humans do. But no worries! Stark the elder found a way to cover it up - either with magic (which I find far more likely, because, let’s face it, Howard never did even manage to make a car fly. Holograms - ones that respond to touch - are still far beyond him). I know there was a prompt somewhere in the previous rounds that is quite similar, BUT. While I want whatever Howard did to hide Tony malfunction, I don’t want a teenage!Tony. More along the lines of Tony looking 4-5 years old in his real form.

Please give me some shocked!Avengers, and horrified!Thor and Loki, because even in Asgard they don’t et children that young into battles.

+ If the remains are Aesir in origin (they still age slower - even without the Apples, right?)
+ Thor/Loki somehow recognize kid!Tony for what he is and, for once, work together to “keep him safe and away from SHIELD”
+ for still-deviously-smart!Tony, who tries and tries to insist tat he’s fine, everything’s fine, he wasn’t hurt etc. but nobody’s buying it because, well, he’s 5.

In my little world all of the above (the not-mine-child thing) would explain why Howard acted like such an ass when Tony was even younger. After all, he (Stark the eldest) never did get emotionally attached to “the alien kid”.


Re: Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony kayasatochi June 15 2012, 19:47:01 UTC
Seconded! I love you for this prompt! I'll definitely follow this like crazy!
Someone! Please do it!


Re: Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous June 15 2012, 20:00:05 UTC
I'm not saying I'll fill this (I have two other wip fills to finish before even considering it), but, just of curiosity...how did you want the playboy aspect of Tony's persona handled? And does Tony know or did whatever Howard did to magic him older hide it from Tony as well?


Re: Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous June 15 2012, 20:25:25 UTC
Op!Anon here. I would've preferred it Tony was completely in the dark about the whole thing. Ergo the playboy side of him? The - let's call it illusion - completely simulated the aging process of a human, allowing him to have the fun. Despite that, negative reactions to the very fact would be more than welcome.


Re: Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony elquendi June 19 2012, 01:23:20 UTC
+1 <3

Maybe the playboy thing was a disguised need for his mother? Taking whatever he could get...


Fill: Project Alpha Sigma, Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous March 12 2015, 03:00:26 UTC

So...I've finally given in and decided to share this (I'm the one who asked the questions about how to handle the sex thing). It is a work in progress, sorry (I tried to hold off posting until I finished it, but...didn't. You should at least get five chapters fairly quickly before I catch up to myself). Also, I kind of didn't fulfill the prompt exactly (sorry again), in that Howard is still his father, but other than that it's more or less what you asked for.

...hopefully you notice this considering I've apparently been sitting on this for almost three years. It seriously does not feel that long. If it helps, I started writing it long enough ago that it isn't really compliant with the newer movies. Not least because I haven't actually seen any of the ones that weren't Tony-centric. Which makes me feel very underqualified to write something that really needs a better understanding of Thor and his people, but that's what google's for, right? Anyway...hope you do find this and enjoy.


Re: Fill: Project Alpha Sigma, Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous March 12 2015, 10:04:51 UTC
Whoa, blast from the past. I'm not the OP but what you posted so far was great. :D


Re: Fill: Project Alpha Sigma, Any/Tony - His greatest creation, Non-human!Tony anonymous March 13 2015, 21:00:55 UTC
I am not the OP either but what you posted so far is amazing <3


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