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round #03, rounds

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Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7a/? snack_size May 13 2012, 00:43:36 UTC
“I do like this garment on you,” Thor said, running a hand down the leather jacket as they went up the elevator, and it sent a chill down Steve’s spine. “Now, I would like it off of you.”

“Agreed,” Steve said. Thor gave him a soft smile.

This time, he did not inspect the hallway for anyone before they headed for Thor’s bedroom - there were much better things to concentrate on, like the hand in the back pocket of his pants. They barely had the door closed before they began to work at one another’s clothing, as they kissed, as they removed items with little grace.

Thor, once they were down to their underwear, was the one who sat on the bed first and widened his legs. Steve stood between them, and he did his best to emulate what Thor had done earlier - figuring that, if it worked on Steve, then- “Ah, yes,” Thor said, as Steve kissed down his neck. “You are quite-” Thor stopped as Steve kissed his lips, hard, and pressed a hand to the space between Thor’s legs.

“I don’t really know-” Steve whispered, nuzzling into the demi-god’s neck.

“I will gladly provide instruction,” Thor said, and he moved easily back further onto the bed. Steve positioned himself at his side, trailing a hand down hard abdominal muscles and putting his hand where it had been previously. He trailed a single finger up Thor’s erection, almost as if he was tickling, and Thor gasped. “Though, Steve, you seem to have - ah!” he said, as Steve moved his hand down and cupped his balls. Before Steve could move further, Thor pulled his hips up and deftly removed his own underwear, then tugged urgently at Steve’s. He was more than willing to relent, and as he took them off, Thor reached a hand for the lube which was still near one of the pillows from earlier.

Steve coated his hand and stroked the demi-god’s cock, kissed him and then smiled as he felt Thor become truly hard in his hand. “Yes?” he asked, sucking on Thor’s earlobe.

“Many,” Thor replied, and easily turned so he was on top of Steve.

He sucked at Steve’s neck with enough force that Steve was certain that it raised a mark, and he pressed their cocks together and took them in his fist. Steve gasped as he worked them, and then Thor sucked on Steve’s bottom lip and released it, causing Steve to utter some sort of syllable into the tight kiss that followed.

“Yes, there,” Thor said, and satisfied, rolled off of Steve and onto his back, just as Steve had been earlier. “Come here,” he said, and he arched his back to emphasize his cock, his ass, and Steve had to exhale to relax.

“I - do you need, like-” Steve began, not even sure he had the appropriate vocabulary to ask the question.

Thor sat up, slightly, and stared directly at Steve’s cock. “Not as much, perhaps,” he said. “But only by a hair.” Steve bit at his bottom lip and Thor smiled at him.

He mimicked the demi-god’s movements from earlier, starting by gently massaging the entrance and then working his finger through. He quickly found the spot that seemed to correspond to the one that had caused him such pleasure, and soon Thor was bucking his hips against Steve’s fingers. “Ah, you are a marvel,” he said, as Steve used two and then three, stretching until Thor grabbed his wrist and pulled him in for a kiss. “I would have you, now,” he said, tone almost serious, and Steve nodded.

He was not entirely sure what to expect. Thor slid his legs around Steve’s waist and pulled him in, and Steve hesitated, for a moment. “I want you,” Thor said, and Steve nodded.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 13 2012, 00:44:12 UTC
He pressed in slowly and was instantly impressed by the level of self-control Thor must have exerted earlier as he had slowly worked into Steve. The tightness and warmth of Thor’s body was overwhelming, and Steve gasped as he moved inward.

Thor’s legs squeezed him, and he moaned as Steve slowly pressed further.

“Is it-?” Steve asked, finding that he had bottomed out and worried that this would be a pitifully short exercise - his cock was throbbing, already, and that was just based on the sensation. The image below him was definitely too much - how Thor’s abs rippled, his hair against the pillow, the expanse of his chest as he inhaled.

He held Thor’s eyes for a moment. “Move,” the demi-god commanded, and Steve did his best to keep his strokes slow and measured, and he kept things shallow until a particularly deep thrust lead Thor to arch his neck and issue a loud, deep moan - almost like some kind of battle call.

“Oh, fuck,” Steve murmured, and, sensing the rise in his lower abdomen. He moved a hand forward to touch Thor’s erection. He traced a finger around the tip as he slowed his pace, remembering how good it had felt to be teased, to be held back just at the brink. He nearly pulled out and then moved back in forcefully.

“Yes, yes, Steve...” Thor moaned, pulling him closer and arching higher. He began to both move his hips with Steve’s and also, somehow, to squeeze tighter around his cock as Steve thrust. The heat and pressure was already incredible, and with this added, he was barely able to control his motions - his body seemed to move on its own, now, and he couldn’t hold the tension back.

“Oh, god, I can’t-”

“Yes. Yes.”

He orgasm came swiftly - and for a moment he saw white. He moved, slowly, until there was nothing left, and he was amazed to see that he had managed to continue moving his hand against Thor’s cock and that the Norseman was coming almost along with him. “Oh, god. Fuck.” Steve said.

“Yes,” said Thor, relaxed, hair spread across the pillow, and his body was as soft looking as it could be. “That was what we just engaged in.”

Steve laughed, and pulled out. He moved to go to the bathroom, but Thor rolled off the bed first and grinned at him. Steve allowed his body to flop onto his back as he heard the tap run. Thor came back and, once again, cleaned Steve - though this time he kissed him as he did, and ran a large hand through Steve’s hair.

“You are gorgeous,” Thor said, and Steve glanced away. “Is that not an appropriate-”

“Now, it is. It’s just - I’m not-” He shook his head, and Thor nodded.

“You enjoyed coupling in that way?” Thor asked, and pulled Steve so that his head was on Thor’s chest.

“Yes,” Steve said, wrapping an arm around Thor’s torso, amazed at how easy it was to get close to him - closer. “And it was OK?”

“It was most enjoyable, Steve,” Thor said, kissing him lightly. “For a newcomer to coupling, you have most powerful natural instincts. I can only imagine the pleasure we will have as you become practiced.”

“It can be...better?” he asked, because he had a hard time conceiving of it.

“Oh, the things we can do,” Thor said, and there was a large grin on his face. “The pleasures to explore.” Steve felt a familiar stirring in his groin and was surprised he was capable, that soon. “You will stay the night?”

“Yes,” Steve said, and Thor’s hand cupped his ass and squeezed gently. “If you-”

“I insist,” Thor replied.



Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 phobiaofshae May 13 2012, 02:36:57 UTC
adhedshf this is perfect.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 02:38:37 UTC
thank you!


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 13 2012, 02:46:04 UTC
I'm not the OP, but I just want to thank you so much for writing this! I had a rough day, but this fill has really made my night. The match-making behind the scenes from the rest of the team made me smile.

Steve is so adorably awkward and I loved the hand holding during their all-you-can-eat date and Thor's unexpected charm when he whips out the credit card to pay for their bill was wonderful. It's ironic how although Earthly customs/culture are the furthest from what Thor is accustomed to, he is still able to provide guidance for Steve at key moments. They just complement each other so well!

Oh, and the sex was GLORIOUSLY HOT AS WELL! I love this pairing and I love your fill <3


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 02:40:27 UTC
thank you - glad I could help on a rough day, and really glad you enjoyed it...these two are so much fun to write, I'm glad others love the pairing as well. :)


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 batsyx May 13 2012, 08:49:07 UTC
so good. so so good. :)


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 02:40:52 UTC
thank you!


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 13 2012, 16:38:51 UTC
Boisterous Thor, newbie Steve, AND they switch off in bed?!? THIS IS AMAZING. AWESOME!

The world needs more switching off in bed.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 02:42:41 UTC
glad you liked it! And I couldn't agree more...I tend to write my pairings as verse, unless there is a compelling reason not to (one of my favorite quotes ever from a fic is "real men switch off!")


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 13 2012, 20:13:28 UTC
(not op) FANTASTIC! Thank you.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 02:43:05 UTC
thanks - glad you liked it!


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 emmyrose224 May 14 2012, 03:24:31 UTC
OMG. Thor was absolutely perfect. This was great! I love this pairing so much and your characterization was so well done. Kudos! :D


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 16:11:37 UTC
thank you! I love writing Thor.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 srmarybadass May 14 2012, 04:06:55 UTC



Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 7b/7 snack_size May 14 2012, 16:12:12 UTC


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