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[FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 1/? snack_size May 10 2012, 18:21:28 UTC
a/n: Thor is coming. And he will be boisterous. This got long on me - it felt like it needed some set-up - so hopefully that is alright, OP.
* * * * *

In some ways, it was better before they all came together. He would spend most of his time in the gym, and no one would bother him. He would watch baseball games on television in the evening, and no one would bother him. Still, this didn’t fill up all of his time, and it was in that space where things became perilous. Fury tried to get a few of the SHIELD agents to befriend him, or at least get him out into the world - show him the New New York, try and get him to eat sushi. He appreciated it, but he didn’t. But these excursions were better than Fury’s laborious discussions about what was coming, about why he was important.

For the most part, though, they gave him space and let him fill it how he wanted. He was apart, separate, and that was how it should be, given the circumstances. Not even circumstances. He struggled with the right word, so impolite - but a real favorite of Stark. It had been how it should be, given the bullshit.

In some ways, it was better now. Steve had thought it would be a more gradual process, but he should have known Stark better than that. He had turned up one afternoon when Steve was in the gym, working with the punching bag. “You know,” Stark said, leaning into a wall and watching Steve, with an uncomfortable interest, “Bruce is living in Stark Tower.”

“I know this,” Steve said.

“Well, I figured...I mean, we have a lot more amenities than here,” he said, waving his hand. “I bet I could even get you one of those that you can’t smash into the wall.”

“You want me to-”

“Be our roommate,” Stark said, grinning.

His instinct told him not to accept, but then, there were too many memories in this place. Stark Tower was largely new - new, new, since it was being reconstructed - and a fresh start. So he packed his few belongings into his suitcase, had his things transferred, and was introduced to his own room and a computer system that would do whatever he wanted, that spoke back to him, that he tried to avoid as often as he could.

He was not entirely sure when Clint and Natasha moved in, but after a few more emergencies, they were slinking along the hallways as well. It was something to do with Fury, they said, it was easier if they were all in one place.

Even though the tower was large, it made it more difficult to avoid interactions - the television shows and movies, the frank discussions, the way everyone sort of treated him like their little brother when it came time to explain something to him. They were patient and nice, but it irritated him. He was in charge, when the time came. He had been frozen in a block of ice.

They didn’t leave him with much time to himself, either, whether it was ordained or because they decided it was something they needed to do. Bruce would appear with cups of tea, Tony would let him drive one of his ridiculous cars or unleash some kind of gadget on him, Clint and Natasha would materialize in the gym. And they all seemed to agree that the best thing to do for him, the best way to acclimate him to an entirely different century, was to introduce him to their favorite movies and television shows and music. He had no idea how each of them had the time accumulate so many interests - weren’t they supposed to be genius inventors and genius doctors on the run and secret ninja assassin spies?

“Steve,” said Natasha, sliding onto the couch and smiling at him. “You like Western movies, right?”

“Yes,” he said, relieved. “I would often go to movies and sit for hours with Bucky, watching-”

“Perfect,” said Natasha. “There are several modern movies in that genre.”

“OK,” Steve said, though he really should have known better. Especially with the look that Natasha gave Clint, and the way he grinned back at her.

“Great,” said Clint. “JARVIS, can you put on Brokeback Mountain?”


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 1b/? snack_size May 10 2012, 18:22:10 UTC
He really should have known better when Tony snorted some soda out of his nose and when Bruce covered his face with his hands and shook his head. But he was riveted to the screen by the cinematography and music, stirring from the beginning, evoking a landscape that he had never seen but felt he could identify with.

“This is beautifully filmed,” he said.

“Yes,” said Natasha. “I thought you mind find the cinematography interesting.”

“It was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars,” said Clint.

“You are both bad people,” Bruce said, still with a hand on his forehead.

“Oh, does it have a tragic ending?” Steve asked.

“Oh. I. Can’t.” Tony said.

“Shut up and watch the movie!” said Natasha, in a voice that indicated it would be in everyone’s best interest to do this. Tony managed to stifle his commentary by eating popcorn and Bruce just shook his head at random intervals while disappearing into the couch.

No one spoke. Until-

“Wait. What?” said Steve, after his mouth opened involuntarily. “Is that-?”

“Yes, yes it is,” said Natasha.

“They are gay cowboys,” Steve managed, and Tony appeared to be holding back tears while Bruce had managed to slump even further into the couch. “This is a movie about gay cowboys.”

“JARVIS, pause the film, please,” said Clint.

“No, we don’t need to pause it, we should-”

Natasha put a hand on his thigh and smiled. “Steve. I thought this would be a good way to introduce you to current attitudes about...sexuality. The movie offers a portrayal of attitudes that you might find very familiar from, you know-” she waved her hand, “-but also presents us with a modern perspective at the same time.”

“It was nominated for an Oscar,” Clint said.

Steve glanced around. They had all known, and he didn’t like being the brunt of a joke. On the other hand...these were things he should know, if they had changed so dramatically. “I see,” he said. “OK, then.”

And, admittedly, at the end, he had teared up, because - well, because. Natasha had patted his leg again, nodding her head in sympathy.

“Well, thank you,” he said, and stood quickly before anyone could say anything else. They waited until he was a good deal down the hall before speaking, but they underestimated his hearing.

“Cruel,” said Bruce.

“What? Should we have taken a field trip to-” Clint began.

“We haven’t really done much experiential learning,” Tony said. “I think we should. I am very much in favor in moving onto Stage 2, or whatever we want to call it-”

“Who are you people?” Bruce asked.

Steve shook his head and took the stairs down to his room. He wasn’t tired, physically, though he felt like he should be. It was like phantom pains. He sat at his desk and opened a notebook, picking up one of his pens. He had found that writing things down and keeping lists help to clarify things. He turned to the page where he had started In the 21st Century... and carefully drew a bullet point. He bit at his lip. It is acceptable to engage in homosexual relationships, he wrote. He looked at it.

He thought about Bucky, always conceiving him as the stronger one, the bigger one, even after the serum. How much he wanted - he thought about other boys in their neighborhood, growing up, and how he used to furtively touch himself in bed. In his sleeping back as they pursued the SS and HYDRA. How he had told himself that it would pass, that he would settle down like everyone else, that he loved Peggy and that...

He bit his lip again and decided to take a shower - the indulgent kind that the shower in his room was meant for, with the water jets all over and the soothing mist that he always had JARVIS circumvent for a more standard, comfortable flow. He let himself slump against the tile and relax in the steam and tried, as hard as could, not to think.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 1b/? bea_recs May 10 2012, 21:09:44 UTC


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 1/? snack_size May 10 2012, 20:02:37 UTC
Clint you evil bastard,lmao



Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2a/? snack_size May 10 2012, 23:36:56 UTC
Steve lingered in bed the next morning, tossing and turning and getting himself tangled in the duvet - what happened to top sheets? He reminded himself to add that to his list of questions. He didn’t want to face breakfast, or the gym, or anything else. He didn’t understand how embarrassing him was in any way helpful, or friendly, or-

“Captain,” Natasha’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Would you mind joining us in the living room? Our last house guest has arrived.”

He fumbled with his clothes, pulling on a white undershirt and a pair of jeans, and didn’t do anything with his hair. Who now? he wondered, that boring female SHIELD agent? Fury? That was why I moved out!

It didn’t take long to get an answer, since he was nearly picked up and smothered in huge arms when he got off of the elevator. “Captain Steve!” said Thor, and when did he get that loud? Steve wondered - it must have been the acoustics. “I have missed you, my friend.”

Thor put him down and smiled at him. Steve furrowed his brow. He had expected the armor, the cape, and the hammer, but instead the demi-god-alien-whatever was wearing jeans and a button down shirt. “Ah, yes. Tony Stark suggested that whilst in Midgard, but not in battle, it may be best if I were to dress according to the local custom.” He punched Steve in the upper arm, and it actually hurt for a moment. “After all, you are not wearing your patriots suit all the time!” He smiled at him, warm and genuine.

Under any other circumstances, Steve probably would have been annoyed by Thor’s appearance, but this was really perfect. Thanks, he thought, and then realized that was weird, since Thor might technically be a god if they ever figured that out, and-

“I would have come sooner, fellow Avengers,” Thor said. “But, alas! Communication between Asgard and Midgard is perilous, at best.”

“Don’t you have that little physicist to help with that?” Natasha asked, leaning against the wall.

“Ah, yes, the Lady Jane. Well,” said Thor, pressing his lips together and looking, if possible, flustered. “After another misadventure with my brother, and what he did to her beloved Dr. Selvig, and my decision to continue to soldier on in our group...” His lip, Steve realized, was actually trembling. He glanced downwards.

“Oops,” said Clint. “Bitch.”

“Let me take you to your room,” said Pepper, materializing and smiling. She took Thor by the arm and smiled at him. “We made sure to get an extra-king-sized bed.”

“Ah, thank you!” Thor said, brightening. “That sounds fit for a god!”

The rest stood, staring at one another, until the click of Pepper’s heals disappeared down the hallway.

“Well,” said Bruce, rubbing at his hair. “This is going to be even more fun.”

“It’s like a slumber party, all the time!” Tony said, brightening and heading for the bar.

“Isn’t it ten thirty in the morning?” Steve asked.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2b/? snack_size May 10 2012, 23:37:42 UTC
Tony cocked his head and considered this. “You would know, sleepy-head. Aren’t you two hours behind on your work out routine?” He poured himself a glass of Vodka and then splashed some orange juice in it with a grand gesture. “Does that make you feel better?”

“No,” Steve said, crossing his arms.

“I can put a breathalyzer on the suit,” Tony added. Steve closed his eyes and shook his head.

* *

“That is most impressive, Captain Steve!” Thor said, and Steve turned. The Norseman was now wearing a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt, though he had his hammer with him. He was twirling it, almost like a baton, and Steve couldn’t help but focus on his nimble fingers. “Captain Steve!” he boomed again.

“Oh, ugh, thanks. Thor.” He said. He hadn’t meant to punch the punching bag into the wall, but these things happened. Especially after said punching bag was riddled with arrows in the span of a few seconds.

“And you as well, Tiny Hawk!” Thor called, looking around in the rafters. Steve grinned at the adjective Thor chose to bestow on Clint. “But what of this?”

Steve really should have known what was going to happen, but he was so transfixed by the sight of the demi-god with his hair pulled back and big grin on his face that he was a few seconds behind in reacting to the hammer that came hurtling towards the next punching bag in the line. It nicked him, and he stumbled, but quickly regained his footing.

Thor was on him in an instant. “Captain Steve! I did not mean to injure you!”

Steve waved his hand. The hammer had hit him on his thigh. “No, it’s fine. Really.” Not thinking, he pulled his own shorts up to show where the bruise from the impact was fading.

Thor slapped his shoulder. “Most impressive! Of course, I was aware of your prodigious talents, but that is almost as I heal.” He met Steve’s eyes and then looked him up and down, his smile growing. “Well, this is good news. I shall have someone worthy to spar with.” He slapped Steve again, and Steve realized his should probably pull his short leg down.

He also desperately wanted not to blush at the suggestion, but he couldn’t help it. Before Thor could notice, however, an arrow struck him in the ass.

“Haha, Tiny Hawk!” Thor shouted, pulling the arrow out and waving it in the air. “Most clever!” He waved the arrow at Steve, grinning. “I am glad to see that you are all enjoying one anothers company. I would be sadly disappointed to miss the mirth and merriment of my friends in Asgard.”

* *

Steve was sketching the skyline from the floor to ceiling window in the living room when the smoke alarm went off, followed by a calm JARVIS. “Thor has set a small kitchen fire with the toaster,” he said.

Figuring that there weren’t fire extinguishers in Asgard, Steve ran for the kitchen. He got there just as Clint and Natasha did. Thor was still in his workout clothes and was dripping wet from the water coming from the ceiling. He brandished a fork in the direction of the toaster. “I have discovered another way to make lightening in this realm!” he said. “I put this pronged implement into this device to retrieve my food and was treated to quite a shock, and then a storm followed!”


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2c/? snack_size May 10 2012, 23:38:16 UTC
“What did you put in there?” Natasha asked.

Thor picked up a box from the counter. “Dr. Bruce told me that these squares were much better when toasted,” he said.

“My Poptarts,” said Clint, quietly.

“Right,” said Natasha, already striding off. “Of course he would think it was a good idea to introduce Thor to the toaster.”

Thor frowned at this. “Have I done something wrong?” The Norseman inquired, brow furrowed. “I would not wish to-”

“No, it’s fine,” said Steve, before Clint could open his mouth, and he walked into the kitchen even though the sprinkler system was still on full blast. “Ugh, JARVIS, you think you can turn the sprinklers off now?”

“If you believe the situation is secure, Captain,” the computer replied. Steve frowned. It was very clear that the computer was an invention of Tony Stark.

“You have made the rain stop by speaking to the voice in the wall,” Thor said, eyes wide. “A most clever trick. Though this suggests it is perhaps improper for it to rain in this food preparation area?”

“We try not to produce fires indoors,” he said. “Or lightening.” He glanced towards the doorway, expecting to hear Clint snigger, but he had drifted off at some point. Steve really wanted to return one of the friendly punches that Thor had been given him, but as he considered it he was riveted by how revealing the demi-god’s white t-shirt had become now that it was soaked. He pressed his lips together and decided it would probably be perfectly fine to give him a little tap. To let him know he’s not the only one. “But don’t worry. I do stuff like this all the time.” He punched him, lightly, and gave one of his better smiles.

“They did not have these appliances in your era, Captain Steve?” Thor asked, pointing his fork at the toaster.

“They didn’t have a lot of things in my era,” Steve answered. “Look, I’ll help you clean up.” Thor smiled at him, and nodded, though there was something in the way that he looked at Steve that made him feel something shiver, somewhere in his lower abdomen. He had to inhale to let it pass, and then went across the hall to get them some mops.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2c/? bea_recs May 11 2012, 00:23:04 UTC
I am thoroughly enjoying this. Thor is hilarious.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2c/? snack_size May 11 2012, 17:05:23 UTC
thanks! I love writing him, glad I've got the tone right. :)


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 2c/? snack_size May 23 2012, 08:09:39 UTC
indeed, Thor is a big adorable sillyhead XD


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 3a/? snack_size May 11 2012, 00:23:07 UTC
They slipped into an easy rhythm after that - working out daily and submitting to the various twenty-first century/Midgardian immersion exercises that the fellow Avengers came up with.

“But,” Steve asked, as Pepper handed them their iPhones and showed them all the contacts they had in there and how to text them, “why would I send a text message when I could just make a phone call?”

“People don’t do that anymore, really, unless you wanted to talk for an extended period of time,” she replied.

“But-” he began, because that made no sense - why would you send messages back and forth when a conversation could resolve things quickly?

“Ha!” said Thor. “Fear not, Captain Steve! Look - you can send tiny pictures as well as words. I think Dr. Bruce would really like this angry green man face! Does it not remind you of him?”

With Thor around, Steve also had a lot more fun at their evening movie sessions. “What is this?” Thor would demand. “Why would they entrust an implement of destruction to the smallest, girliest creature in the group?” He smashed his fist onto the table. Natasha coughed. “Apologies, Natasha. You should know I consider you a most formidable warrior woman.” She gave him a rare smile.

And his presence definitely made the now mandatory, Tony Stark led Saturday field-trips a lot more bearable. “Tony Stark!” he boomed at the Central Park Zoo. “I wish to have one of these penguins! Certainly you have enough money to build it an appropriate habitat in our tower.”

During their free time, Steve would sit and sketch, or read, while Thor tried to come up with something JARVIS couldn’t tell him or show him on the screen in the living room. It was easy being with the Asgardian in a way that it wasn’t with the others, which made perfect sense, since they were outsiders. At least, this was what Steve repeated to himself, daily, as he caught himself considering the angle of Thor’s jaw or got a broad smile in response to Thor catching him stare at him.

But as each day passed it became more difficult to convince himself that that was all that was going on. There was a nervous feel in his stomach that had never been there before which he suspected were the butterflies that girls often talked about. During their sparring he often found it difficult to focus as they tumbled around the mat, and especially when Thor’s body pinned him down.

Eventually, he relented, reaching for the lubricant that had been in his bedside table when he first moved in - which had really annoyed him, at first, but he came to appreciate the gesture since it was a huge improvement over his wartime methods. Closing his eyes, he tried to imagine Peggy, or the pin-up girls that the men in the army carried with them, even Natasha’s breasts as they bounced while she did her own workouts.

These things had been adequate, before - though wartime often led him to Bucky, and the others - but he hadn’t touched himself since Thor arrived and he found he sorely wanted to come and was frustrated with the lack of progression.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 3b/? snack_size May 11 2012, 00:23:56 UTC
The realization of how long it had been brought an image of the Norseman directly into his mind, and a cascade of images quickly followed. Thor, wet in the kitchen in his t-shirt, Thor’s ass as they showered after a grueling work-out - Steve had been careful not to look at his groin when the Norseman faced him - how solid Thor was when he was on top of him, his hands, his smile, back to his ass.

He came fiercely, moaning and working his hand loosely over the waves of orgasm. His breath erratic for a few moments afterwards, and then he laid and stared at the ceiling as he let the post-orgasm haze wash off of him. Shit, he thought, and then reminded himself. It’s OK now. It’s fine to feel this way, to want this... He shuddered, though, his lower abdomen tightening. He inhaled again, then stood to go wash himself.

It very likely would ended there, with fantasies each night before bed, if they didn’t have to repel a planned invasion of Washington, D.C. the next day. Thor had been on the ground, with him, taking care of the large tank like structures coming down the streets. He had turned to grin at Steve as he mounted one of them and rose his hammer to strike - and he was completely unprepared for the bomb that ripped the tank apart. Steve had to use his shield to protect himself from the intense heat and shrapnel, and when he was finally able to move the shield he saw only a jagged hole in the ground.

They’re immortal, he told himself, but he didn’t believe it, and he felt like he was going to vomit.

Thor’s eyes were closed as he lay to the side of the pit, charred, his cape still on fire. Steve rushed over, and it was only when he stepped on the cape that Thor opened his eyes. Relief flooded Steve, deeper and denser than any he had felt before, even when Tony had been hurtling down from the sky in Manhattan. “Give me a hand, would you, Captain Steve?” Thor asked.

Shit, shit, shit, Steve thought, instantly stretching his hand out.

* * *

“Hi. Natasha?” he said, the next afternoon, standing in the doorway to the kitchen where she was perched on the counter, eating a salad.

The spy glanced at him warily. He half expected her to growl. Then she sighed. “Captain.”

“You can really call me Steve,” he said. “When we’re not - uhm, anyway, I wanted to ask you for some advice?” He winced. Natasha set down her salad and crossed her arms over her chest, emphasizing her breasts. Steve took a moment to take them in, confirming his suspicions. He smiled at her. “OK, so,” he began, taking a seat at the kitchen table. “And I’m asking, since you were the one who kindly introduced me to, well, twenty-first century attitudes towards sexuality, so. Let’s say that a man wants to let another man know they’re interested in them and they don’t happen to be sharing a tent on a mountain. What would that man do?” He gave her one his huge, should be trademarked since it was on all the trading cards grins.

“Seriously?” she said. “Why don’t you go ask Tony? He’s picked up tons of guys.”

Steve furrowed his brow. “Tony is with Pepper,” he said.

Natasha stared into the distance for a moment, and then said, “Right, OK. Well, in this completely hypothetical situation, I think that it would be best to be forward. Men like that. So, this man should let the other dem-man know that he’s interested.”

Steve furrowed his brow deeper. “With...flowers? Chocolates? A card?”

Natasha pursed her lips, seemingly in an attempt to hide a smile. “Not...no. I would advise this man to either just say who he felt, or to just...express those feelings. Physically.”

“That seems quite forward,” Steve said. “What if the man is not sure if the other man is interested in, ugh, men?”

“Don’t worry about that, at that point,” Natasha said. “He’s interested.”

“But...how do you know?”

Natasha shook her head, shrugged and picked her salad up, so Steve gave her the big smile again and stood up. “Thanks,” he said. She waved her hand at him as he walked out of the kitchen.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 4a/? snack_size May 11 2012, 17:02:13 UTC
At breakfast? Steve thought, once again tossing and turning. Slightly...awkward. Here, Thor, I’ve properly prepared your Poptart. Also, I would like to...you know. With you. There were other options, of course - in the afternoon, or before they worked out. After they worked out had delicious possibilities, primarily he and Thor sharing a shower as they... Steve sighed. He had never even asked out a girl, really, so what, exactly, did he think that he was doing?

So he skipped breakfast and went right for the gym, feeling slightly nauseous, but that was what super-soldier serum was for, right? “Captain Steve!” Thor said, ass facing Steve as he tied a sneaker. “I was afraid you would not make it today, as you missed breakfast.” This, Steve thought as Thor stood and faced him, is as clear a sign as the universe is going to give you.

“No, definitely fine,” he said, and smiled back. Thor regarded him thoughtfully, then nodded slowly. “Very fine, actually. Thanks for asking, really, I appreciate-” He was cut off when Thor closed the distance between them and placed a hand on the side of Steve’s cheek. It was surprisingly tender, and even though there was, really, no other way to interpret it, Steve hesitated. He met Thor’s eyes, keep himself from grimacing, and then closed his eyes and leaned in.

He did not initiate the kiss, just headed in the general direction of it. He was not really sure what to expect - but it began like other kisses. But with much more beard, which tickled, enough to make him smile. That was when it becomes unlike other kisses, as Thor took advantage of his open mouth and worked his tongue in, slowly, and Steve followed his rhythm and found that he had placed a hand on Thor’s hip and was squeezing. This is interesting, he thought, because his hands, his body seem to know what to do even though he did not.

He moans, slightly, as they break. “I find you very desirable,” Thor said, inches from his face.

“Yes,” Steve said. “I mean, also.”
Thor laughed, and Steve grinned and realized he still has his hand on Thor’s hip. For a moment he wondered if they would just break apart and proceed as usual, go on a date, later - dancing, he thought, but then pushed it out of his head immediately. But then one of demi-god’s big hands was on his shoulder and he looked, well, conspiratorial. “My bedroom,” he said. “As it has the extra-large-king-size bed.”

Steve knew he should say something, or at least, he thought he should. Or that this should proceed slowly, because who kissed and then just - but it’s been building for too long, it had been building for too long even back then. “Yes,” he said again, and Thor grinned at him, bounced, and took his hand from Steve’s shoulder.

He wished he did not have this interlude to think - because it’s not just his first time, he’s about to sleep with a man. Sort of. And how, exactly...he has a rough idea, and he knows he should have done some research. He’s sure JARVIS would be more than used to - but he was too embarrassed before it occurred to him that, since it was Tony’s computer, he would probably be able to see...

They walked to Thor’s room as though it was completely innocuous. Steve is relieved to see that Thor is glancing around the hallway as well. Thor opened the door and Steve walked in, and all he can say is, “That is a really big bed.”

“Indeed,” Thor said, and gently closes the door behind them. “Do not be nervous,” he added, “I wish to give you much pleasure.”

Steve does not doubt this, and this time he placed a hand at the back of Thor’s neck and guided him in for a kiss. It was softer, deeper, and he sighed and relaxed into it. Their bodies were pressed next to each other and Steve ran a hand down Thor’s side, finding the place where it had previously rested.

He was not aware that Thor was guiding him towards the bed until a hand pushed him downwards and he felt the mattress beneath him. He closed his eyes and pressed his arms backwards as Thor leaned in to kiss him further. This time, their groins aligned, and Steve moaned when he felt the hard cock against his own. Thor slid down and moved so their legs intertwined and he pressed into Steve’s leg.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 4b/? snack_size May 11 2012, 17:02:45 UTC
When Thor pulled back, Steve tugged and removed the t-shirt he had worn to work-out in. “You are...gorgeous,” the demi-god said, and punctuated it with a nod as he removed his own shirt. Steve tried to ignore the lump that rose in his throat and the ache for release between his legs. He bit his lower lip and leaned back, transfixed as each muscle moved on Thor’s frame.

Thor pushed him, and he fell backwards onto the mattress and bounced from the force. Thor frowned. “I do not mean to diminish your strength, Steve Rogers,” he said. “But you must let me know if I am-”

“I will,” Steve said, and slid back on the enormous mattress so that Thor could climb on. When Thor kneeled between his legs, he moved his arm to grasp onto the back of the taller man. The kiss between them was much more urgent, and Steve bucked his hips for contact, another action that seemed involuntary.

“Yes,” Thor said. A hand ran through Steve’s hair as he kissed at Steve’s neck, light at first and then more intense. Steve arched back into this contact and shuddered as a finger ran across one of his nipples. “Glorious,” Thor whispered, then took an earlobe into his mouth. Steve arched further and the finger twisted.

“Oh, yes,” he said as Thor’s teeth scraped against his collar bone. “Oh.” Hands were on either side of his hip and picked him up, easily, causing his cock to throb. Thor laid him into the pillows, which momentarily distracted Steve - how had he managed to get so many more? Thor took the opportunity, whisking off Steve’s shorts.

“Ah,” he said. “A mortal protection device.” He squeezed Steve’s cock in the jock-strap, and Steve had to bite at the bottom of his lip again. “You will remove it?”

Steve nodded as Thor pulled his own shorts off. He knelt, again, and it was better than Steve had imagined - he had been able to use his artistic skills to put together a composite, but this was just more. Much more, he realized, and felt the rise in his throat again.

“I-” he began, but Thor silenced him with a kiss. He moved down Steve’s neck again, then to his chest, and his nipples. “Oh, god!” Steve exclaimed as Thor took one, then the other, into his mouth. As he sucked he held Steve in place with a hand on his hip, and then another.

He continued down Steve’s stomach, detoured to his hip bones, and then kissed the tip of his cock. “Oh,” Steve said - fifteen minutes ago, they had been in the gym. Now Thor had the tip in his mouth, and then his tongue was running along the underside of the head, then the underside of the shaft. Steve relaxed his shoulders, occasionally issuing moans of contentment as Thor teased him with his tongue. Then, suddenly, he took him down his mouth.

Steve closed his eyes and grasped at pillows as Thor moved up and down, licking and stopping at each sensitive part. He was unaware one of the hands was off his hips until he heard the drawer open. The lube hit the mattress. It made Steve feel better that this had come standard with all bedrooms in Stark towers.

He was surprised when the demi-god bent his hip upwards, not realizing that they were going to - but he stopped, told whatever it was to go away, did his best to relax into the surprising, gentle touch of Thor’s finger as it ringed and rimmed his...

“Yes?” Thor asked. Steve exhaled in shudders and nodded. A pillow was placed under him as Thor continued to work his finger against Steve’s entrance. “You are comfortable?”

“Yes,” Steve said, almost a lie, but there was doubt and there was need, and need was clearly winning. A lubed finger replaced the other one, and he closed his eyes. The breach caused him to gasp, but he nodded before Thor could ask, before he could break the spell. The demi-god moved slowly, deeper, and Steve bit hard at his lip. “Please,” he said. “Please.” There had to be some reason that this- “Oh! Fuck!” He actually blushed, once the electricity subsided - it was the first time he had said the word aloud.


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 4c/? snack_size May 11 2012, 17:03:47 UTC
Thor continued, lightly touching the spot over and over, but adjusted his position so he could kiss Steve as he worked. “I will add another,” he said, against Steve’s cheek so that his lips grazed closely to Steve’s own, and Steve nodded. This time he kept eye contact and was glad for it. He didn’t think anyone had ever looked at him like that, with that kind of desire...of course not, he thought, and it seemed he had momentarily forgotten that he was-

“That is...I-” Steve tried, but was silenced with a kiss. As Thor worked him open he hit the spot more consistently, and laughed when Steve’s cock throbbed and moved across his pelvis.

“Soon, friend!” Thor said to it, and Steve grinned. “Another?”

“Yes,” Steve said, though he was already feeling a burn, a sense that there was no way he could accommodate more, let alone what was between Thor’s thighs. He had to work at keeping his face blank as three fingers entered him, spread him, leaned up to kiss his partner so there was something else he could feel.

Still, he felt a distinct lack when Thor removed his fingers, even though he stroked against his entrance gently again. Steve watched, transfixed, as the demi-god leaned back and slicked his cock. He moaned, and for a moment, thought of blurting a confession of all of his inadequacies and inexperiences - but then one hand of Thor’s hand was on his shoulder, the other on hand was on Thor’s own cock, and he felt the tip tease against him.

“Oh, fuck, yes, I need you,” he found himself saying, and meaning it. “Please.” Thor used his hands to guide Steve’s legs up to his shoulders.

“You will never need to ask, Steve Rogers,” Thor said. “You will have anything.”

He pressed forward, but the motion was only slight. Thor lifted him, brought their hips together, and pressed in a little more. Steve attempted to say something, but found that all that happened was his mouth opened, his tongued pressed against his bottom lip, and then he bit it again as Thor adjusted Steve’s hip, held him tight, and pressed further.

It took some time before he was full and close to bursting, and Steve was biting hard enough at his lip that, without his enhancements, he was sure he would draw blood. “Open your eyes,” Thor said, and Steve obeyed. “You will trust me?” Steve nodded, meeting the steady blue eyes.

Thor canted out, in, and out, and Steve held his gaze and exhaled. Thor moved in, slowly, so that their lips met for a deep kiss - and whatever adjusted with this movement was what was needed. This time, as Thor moved back, Steve gasped and moaned. “Ah, yes,” Thor said, thrusting harder.

“Oh, fuck, god, yes,” Steve managed, vision almost obscured by the sudden shift in sensation from pain to pleasure as they found their rhythm. He arched his back, wanting more, and found himself pressing his hips in rhythm to Thor’s thrusts. It elicited the first moan from the demi-god, and Steve repeated it with each thrust - not necessarily easy, but suddenly the fullness was exactly what he had wanted. What he needed. He was not sure how long they moved, each moaning, and was only aware that he was growing closer and closer-


Re: [FILL]: Steve/Thor, boisterous Thor and virgin!Steve, 4d/? snack_size May 11 2012, 17:04:36 UTC
“Thor. I-” he said, and a hand moved forward to his cock and stroked along with the thrusts. “Oh, oh, that’s. Oh. Fuck!” His head tilted back back to meet his shoulders and his moan was loud, more of a shout, as the orgasm built and built. It seemed like he would never come, and it occurred to him that Thor was holding him back, was waiting for - a hard stroke inside, and another, and Steve came, hard, the orgasm unlike any other in its ferocity.

“Yes, oh, yes,” Thor said, as the last bit pumped across Steve’s stomach, and then Steve arched even harder into the demi-god’s own orgasm, warmth flooding him and making him spread his shoulders wide and exhale in spasms.

For a few moments, there were only deep breaths between them. Then Thor pulled out, rolled over, and lay on his side next to Steve - who was largely amazed at his ability to get his muscles to do anything, after...

“You found that pleasurable, Steve Rogers?” Thor asked, voice soft.

“Yes,” Steve replied. “You can just. Steve.”

“Steve,” Thor said, and kissed him on the forehead - tender, evocative, and Steve felt something tighten in his stomach - before rolling off of the bed and almost bouncing into the bathroom.

Well, Steve thought, and without the Asgardian in the room, he found he plunged quickly into the place he really did not want to go. There goes that. He realized, quickly, he shouldn’t be so flippant - after all, it had been... and how many people lost their virginities to demi-gods? That looked like that? That made you feel like that?

Thor returned, a wet wash cloth in one hand, and he slid next to Steve and wiped, his touch light and gentle, cleaning him in a few easy strokes and then tossing the cloth aside. “Steve? Are you alright?” Thor had propped himself up on an elbow and his expression evinced real concern.

“Uhm. Well. I’ve never-”

“Ah, yes, the other night when you were speaking with Director Fury and Tony Stark the assassin spies were most helpful and taught me how your Midgard couplings are much less diverse-”

“Did they show you...a movie?” Steve asked, though he already knew the answer.

“It was most sad,” Thor said, pressing his lips together. “In the end-”

“Yes, I’ve seen - no, nevermind. I meant to say that I’ve never...uhm.” He furrowed his brow and winced, not sure how this would be received.

“You have never...coupled before?” Thor asked. Steve closed his eyes and nodded. “Steve. Please. I did not...cause you injury, or-”

“No, no,” Steve said, forcing himself to open his eyes. “No, it was. Well. Really...pleasurable.” Thor smiled at him, warm and genuine, and brushed some of Steve’s hair out of his face. “It’s just...before, it was a lot more common-”

“You do not need to explain yourself,” Thor said, and before Steve could offer anything further, he drew him in and kissed him hard. Steve opened his mouth quickly, this time, put a hand at the back of Thor’s neck and tangled his hand into the long, slightly damp hair. “So!” Thor said, as Steve pulled back. “We will couple again?”

“Now?” Steve asked, because blood had only begun to return to his extremities.

“Whenever you would wish!” Thor said, laughing, and he pushed Steve so he was flat on his back. And then, of all unexpected things, placed his head on Steve’s chest. Steve bit at his lip. “I enjoy that gesture,” Thor added, looking at up at him. “You look most desirable when you do it.” Steve worked a hand through Thor’s hair, not entirely sure what to make of the fact that Thor was cuddling with him. That Thor was on his chest, looking up at him, smiling.

“Oh,” Steve said. “Thanks.”

“I feel most pleased that you would allow me this great honor,” Thor said. “And,
perhaps next time you might even enjoy if we were to reverse our roles!”

“Really?” Steve asked.

Thor propped himself up on an elbow and looked confused. “Why not? Why should I deny myself the pleasure of your cock?” He put a hand over Steve’s cock, rubbing gently before trailing the hand up to Steve’s jaw.

“I don’t know,” Steve said, honestly.

“You see,” Thor said. “There is no good reason why I would.”

No, Steve thought, I suppose there is no good reason why not. He relaxed enough to take a hand and guide Thor back down to his chest.


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