Jul 21, 2015 07:26


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round #27, rounds

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[FILL] Untitled WIP - Snippet 4(a) of ?. GEN or Hope/Scott, (Meta)physical consequences for Scott anonymous November 28 2015, 05:42:56 UTC
Note, this one will have more education/explanation stuff at the end, but don't know quite yet how that'll go. So here's what I've got for this one so far. If I continue this particular one, it'll be a 4b extension.

Paths, opportunities and failures, pain and success, all that and more.

They danced in front of his eyes, no not eyes he knew, not exactly, but --

"Visual representation tends to assist at first," came Janet's voice from just behind him. Scott didn't bother turning around, he already knew somehow that he wouldn't actually see her there. Better to just sense her presence, and listen to her voice -- the more important qualities he needed right now, anyway.

"Infinite possibilities?" Scott asked.

"No, not quite infinite. Close enough for all intents and purposes, though, if you look far enough out. The closer in to the current time track though, the more concrete things want to be. Inertia of fate, if you will," said Janet.

"But still changeable," said Scott, not really asking, more clarifying and stating for the record, somehow already knowing the answer.

"Sure, like any energetic system. Put enough energy -- enough will, or force, or oomph -- into the system and you can jump the the next state, another set of possibilities. Jump out of the current state of inertia, and out of the current fate track."

"States?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, quantum states," said Janet. "You remember your quantum mechanics, right? Atoms, and electrons and such, and their energy levels."

"Yeah, and?"

"And everything is energy. Matter and energy, which are ultimately the same thing," Janet explained, as Scott slowly nodded. "So, the more likely some alternative track is to happening, or the more minor or distant the distortion, the easier it is to pull off and affect."


Re: [FILL] Untitled WIP - Snippet 4(a) of ?. GEN or Hope/Scott, (Meta)physical consequences for Scot anonymous November 28 2015, 16:01:25 UTC
Ooh, I love where this is going.


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