FB-chattin' with meleth

Aug 23, 2010 22:17

me: reason #98 I love Ben:
we spent part of the car ride home making plans in case of the zombie-pocalypse.

meleth: awwww
the family that slays together stays together

me: :-D
the family that makes plans to steal an airplane from Crystal Airport and fly over to Camp Douglas together stays together
Or maybe up to Duluth. We don't know yet.
Not Fort Snelling (MSP airport). There's a huge graveyard there.

meleth: I still think that the best idea is to hole up in a secure location with people with a wide variety of skill sets and wait until the zombies die out

me: Right. That's why we're thinking Camp Douglas or the National Guard base up in Duluth.
secure location, lots of rations.
we'd probably go find as many awesome people as we can first, though.

meleth: http://www.cracked.com/article_18683_7-scientific-reasons-zombie-outbreak-would-fail-quickly.html

me: :-D
we're far north!

meleth: exactly
so if they come during winter, you're good

me: yes!
... i need to buy a corpse rake.

meleth: yup
or you could just blow them up

me: true. I should keep more vodka around the house.

meleth: the accumulating methane would probably make it pretty easy

me: Well, that too, but I've also always wanted an excuse to make Molotov cocktails. [and not be barred from taking the bar]

meleth: you're a strange and violent young lady
I'm so glad we're friends

me: I kind of want to be a supervillain. I'm not going to lie.

fb-chattin' with meleth

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