Drabbles: you can't save everyone, You Never Forget Your First Doctor (Jones)

Apr 26, 2008 20:06

Two Hex drabbles, written for the drabble tag at hex_rated.

Prompt: Hex practices his nursing skills on Ace.
Title: you can't save everyone

Hex is out of breath and his arms ache from doing chest compressions, but there's still a spark of life in that body, and he's damned if he's going to lose her.

One, two, three, breathe.

Still no pulse. Damn, damn, damn, he thinks. Logically, he knows that it's a lost cause - no one lives through a bloody building falling on you. Then again, Ace has never been normal, and they've beaten the odds so many times -

One, two, three, breathe.

Her skin is ashen and cold, and he can feel the body stiffening beneath him. Rigor mortis, some part of his brain says, and he stops the CPR and straightens up. He's seen this image in his dreams before, but he can't quite accept that it's real this time.

Carefully, he closes her eyes, and walks away to find the Doctor.

Prompt: Hex'n'Martha
Title: You Never Forget Your First Doctor (Jones)

"What's wrong?" the girl says, smiling at him. Hex just rolls his eyes. "Of course," she says, as if he'd answered. "Looks like a clear case of teenage angst to me."

"How's my gran?" he asks, surly and trying really hard to sound worried.

"Your gran's going to be perfectly fine. She's resting at the moment, but I'm sure she'll want to see you as soon as she wakes up."

Hex wants to act grown up about this, say something to impress the doctor, but he can't help grinning. "Thank you, Miss - er - "

"Jones. Martha Jones. Now, would you like to say with your gran until she wakes up?" He nods. "I'm not supposed to leave you here alone, but - " She winks at him, and walks away.

There were two things he decided that day: one, that he was going to take the best care of his gran that he could, and that one day, he wanted to help people - just like Martha Jones.

character: ace (dorothy mcshane), fandom: doctor who, type: drabbles, character: martha jones, type: fanfiction, character: hex (thomas hector schofield)

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