Jan 30, 2006 08:36
My to-do list for today (and tomorrow). And today I actually will do it because I won't find myself on MSN for hours talking to people *laughs*
~clean room (mostly done)
~put laundry away
~post for Edvyn
~dye my hair
~bake oatmeal raisin cookies
~put up my pineapple baklava recipe on tastyfoods
~sort through emails, send out a bunch and do some site maintenance stuff
~sort through pictures on the computer. now that we have 12 inch glossy paper at work, nothing will stop me! *grin*
~install photoshop on the laptop
~get Yendhui to level 20 so he can tame the elite forest strider that I found and get Ashra to help...of course only those who play WoW will actually get this *grin* (edit: and I got the forest strider and Ashra wasn't around so Xosugaro helped instead ^.^ yay turquoise elites!)
~start a new character because I want a Paladin >.<
There, not too bad. Let's see if I actually stick to it *laughs*
to do list