big girl pants

Aug 06, 2011 12:02

so i've officially entered the real work force......kinda strange that i'm almost 30 and this will be the first job I've ever had with a real salary......i'm really nervous about starting at Delgado....I haven't taught classes in over a year so I'm sorta out of practice but I'm not too worried....the first day will be kinda crazy but I should get back into the flow relatively easily....The lingering worry is that I won't be able to devote enough time to reading for my generals while working so much! But I've worked multiple jobs and gone to school so hopefully I can make it work....

The only downside to the new job is that I won't be seeing Eric during the week.....which will definitely suck! But hopefully it will only be for this semester.....we are thinking that Eric will move in with me in January--which is a pretty scary prospect all in itself. Eric has never lived with anyone....EVER!!! No roommates, no ANYONE besides his parents.....and I don't have a great track record living with boyfriends (although I really shouldn't count Sam since he was basically just free housing while I was unemployed/homeless)......I'm not super worried about it. Although I'm kinda worried about Tripp....when Eric moves in Tripp will essentially be banned from the bedroom to keep Eric's allergies in check! poor more cuddling on the bed!

We've also sorta been talking around the edges of's mostly just general discussions...nothing concrete. Basically just agreeing that its our intention to stay together.....anywho......BIG GIRL PANTS!!! YAY!
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