Title: Dreamers
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama
Disclaimer: the GazettE belong to themselves. This story is entirely fictional.
Synopsis: He saw him every morning when he ordered coffee.
Notes: Inspired by the prompt below, taken from
what are you? )
I adore all the detail that was put into this - the overall tone was soft, almost like a dream itself, but it made a beautiful impact all the same. I also enjoy how well your description of Ruki correlates with the prompt picture: how his clothes are a little worse for wear, how he obviously doesn't have 9-to-5 employment, etc. It struck something in me and maybe it's due to the fact that I'm a struggling college student who has been told to put 'fanciful dreams' on hold in order to survive in the world... but I could sympathize with Ruki. And I could see the differences between both him and Reita -- the latter scrubbing tables to get by, perhaps putting off a dream of his own in order to make money, and the former still struggling to not give up on his own dreams. Maybe I'm over-analyzing, but I adore that, truly. And you ended on a note that seems to be a cusp of something greater - the door is wide open and anything could happen from this point. I love open endings like this, how the reader can only catch a glimpse and merely wonder as to what is to come.
Awesome. I look forward to more from you (and to remembering to comment on beautiful works such as this) :D
It struck something in me and maybe it's due to the fact that I'm a struggling college student who has been told to put 'fanciful dreams' on hold in order to survive in the world... but I could sympathize with Ruki. Ahh, so true. I think everyone has gone through this at some point, whether they're in college or not. It's certainly something that's been on my mind for a while, and that it leaked into my writing surprises me, haha.
I love open endings too, leaving the rest up to interpretation (and imagination) is simply too fun to pass up. :D
Thank you again for this fantastic comment, I'm so happy you enjoyed it. ♥
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