Creepy Guy Kicked Out

Apr 26, 2010 12:30

On saturday there was this guy in the store that I really didn't feel like being bothered with.  He comes into the store often.  I was putting out stock and I was not feeling like dealing with it.  The thing about this guy is that he will search me out.  He will pass by three other employees to get to me to ask me stupid shit. (like do you think this will fit me?  dude is like old he should know what he size he wears by now.  Or he done this to another cashier where he pull underwear up in her face and ask if she thinks he can get the stain out.) Anyway, when I noticed that he was there I took the long way around to put the stock out I had in my hand to avoid him.  He was about to meet me in the row I was going to so, I place the items on the incap and went to the break room.  The other cashier that was on break was like "it's not busy or whatever".  I told her about this guy and that yeah I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm hidding.  She didn't know who I was talking about and wanted to see.  As soon as we came out of the break room there he was staring right at me.  She commented about it and we went back for awhile and finally said forget it, I'm going to take my break now and hopefully he will be gone by the time I get back.  I let the other cashier know why I'm leaving so early.  Turns out that this guy has made her uncomfortable too and made comments to two other girls that work on the floor.  I'm in my car waiting for him to leave.  I finally see him drive off because I was not going to go back in the store while he was there that day.  The other cashier had ended up complaining about it to our store manager because it was pissed her off because now we know it's not like just one of us but about 4 and she made a big deal about it.  That we spend so much time here that we shouldn't have to feel like that because of some guy.  While I was on break the manager asked him not to come back to store anymore.  After he was told that he just waited outside the store for like 10 minutes.  We didn't know who or what he was waiting for but whatever it didn't happen.
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