Времена года в разных странах

May 28, 2008 10:54

Russia has four seasons. Four.
Goddamn it, DM, it's June. It's not going to be snowing in Moscow. Stop that.

God, your title had me flashing back to "Japan has four seasons. How many seasons are there where you're from?" question from my time in Japan.
- Three. Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.
- Two. Pleasant and hell. Also known as off-season and tourist season.
- Portland has two--rainy season and Tuesday.
- Hmm, Minnesota has two: Winter, and Road Construction.
- One. Summer.
- Two. Rainy and rainier.
- Norway has three. Summer (about a weekend), Winter, and Wet, Cold Summer (also known as Lukewarm, Moist Winter)
-- Eh. Oslo might have three, but Trondheim has two. Holkeføre og Ikkje holkeføre.


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