Sep 25, 2008 21:34 I find myself...turning tricks paying homage to Pretty Woman
hahaha...well, that's what you would think I've become, in actuality...I'm doing quite well here in Los Angeles ... 8 days in to this insanity anyhow.
quick re-cap...
arrived last weds night...old friend from NYC picked me up at our eyes and hearts no time had lapsed, only short hair cuts told the time difference
to the hotel. then career fair. WHAM. going to be so hard to break into it. I don't care though, I'm for it. A couple days...went to the beach. sand in my swimsuit, waves in my mouth. AMAZING. chilled out in Beverly Hills for a few days...then decided to find a place of my own. Sublet a sweet room in an awsome apt from a med student going to Mali for two months. Cool. Terrible tech design interview, tons of phone calls, many loose ends. Got a quick job at Mood fabrics (where they film project runway) and will commence working there tommorow.
Heading to wisco to get a car next monday.
p.s. if you ever come to LA. BRING A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all is well. have a couple interviews next week.
feel as thought I will have to choose between persuing my passion for sustainible design/art and fashion/selling out.
oh well. I will cross that bridge when I get there. I will probably sell out. FUCK.
well, I did pick design not art as my passion so I guess I was aware of the forboding evil. le sigh.
maybe i'll just get into movies. hahahaha. yeah right.
anywho. that is all.