
Sep 05, 2009 08:36

Good to be back blogging again [in hope that I'll continue for a while now]. The trip back to India was like a therapy :-) and it feels much better this time to be back. For starters, I cleared the qualifiers and cleared them quite decently. Set new goals, this time it wasn't novicely done, I shall keep updating as the plans start taking shape. As for now, I just have to study, study and study. Besides that I have a ton to put down, I am becoming old and senile, and I get these intense pangs of getting home a canine friend, but then I know it'd be a torture for him/her. Also I have become a true chasmuddin :-( I need to keep the glasses on all my waking hours, I shall try graduating to lenses in some time and when that happens will definitely get a pair of white lenses :-D
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