Kala bandar...

Feb 18, 2009 08:57

Doing this out of the stifling feeling one generally gets out from continuously finishing home-works and keeping up with the course work. Statistics say this meme has wasted at least 84,000+  working hours of working people that do meme :-) but then since when did I bother about these things?

1. I have been in a state of meditative depression the last six months.
2. I have a very minimal judgment sense, I cannot distinguish very well between right and wrong, the only thing I ever take care of and can usually go to great lengths is to not hurt people.
3. I don't pray, I am not a big believer in god but I believe in a bigger power that has some say in how things turn out in our everyday world and I see no logic in pleasing that ultimate power just to have a little bit of my way in this tiny life :-) However I have been to temples because I felt  peaceful whenever there.
4. I am pretty  neat at crafting paper and clay ...
5. As a lot of you would already know I am a movie maniac, I usually find out everything possible about a movie including its plot-line before watching it. By the way, Dev D is not a bad movie, it only has problems in its story-telling.
6. I spent close to 25 years of my life trying to figure what I really want out of life, that would tell you I have rather limited regard for time.
7. I am an extremely shy person and it is still difficult for me to mingle with both genders freely at first go. When one sees me mingle 'spontaneously' with a person I just met, would mean there is a huge amount of effort behind it.
8. I lose hope very quickly.
9. If I am interested in something and if need be, I can have an unearthly amount of patience for and with it,.
10. Despite my shyness and two left feet I have been in a lot of school plays and dances, it is another thing that I sucked in all.
11. I stopped eating meat for many years as a kid after seeing a man eat a live goat, I have not been able to bring myself to eat any of our four legged friends since.
12. I have faint memories of when I was three and especially when my sister was born, I also remember I did not understand what or who she was and disliked her for taking my parents' attention away. But, by the time I was close to five I remember I liked her so much that I gave her a sand bath and had the soundest thrashing ever.
13. I had quite a few bad habits as a kid that eventually wore off. I believe I was slightly disturbed but never a nag and likely the weirdest one around.
14. I have never ever had or played with toys, even now I have an intense dislike for computer games.
15. I learned whistling when I was around 7 and am almost a professional at whistling tunes.
16. Hair on white floor can creep me out so badly that in order to avoid the embarrassment of accepting it I have cleaned out many a bathrooms.
17. In retrospect, 5th grade was the best time I ever had, beginning from friends, academics to inter-school activities. After which St. Joseph's was a great phase too but academically not as satisfying.
18. I look very unapproachable in life.
19. Right now I am beginning to hate this meme.
20. I don't usually have mood fluctuations but when ticked off I am really bad... people usually rue knowing me.
21. Without a speck of doubt and with complete blindness to what everyone says [whether it is good or bad], I believe and see myself as one very ugly girl, but because looks don't matter to me this fact/illusion barely holds any bearing.
22. My only passion is cinema and a couple of forms of visual art, everything else - I like and enjoy doing but can not really give my life for. Okay, I admit I am a bag of confusion.
23. While concentrating deeply in something I usually cannot see/hear/smell/feel I however speak to myself.
24.  I have a bad habit of trying almost anything that induces a feeling of lightness or a happy buzz in the head... within the bracket of bikes, liquor, cigars (did weed once) and diving. I am not a regular at any I just do them once in a long long while.
25. I cannot hit or beat anyone/anything even for fun. I have struggled to do it the very few times I have only because I had no other choice.

This is the new place we shifted into...

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