(no subject)

Oct 11, 2007 23:47

came home today. UNH gave us tomorrow off for some reason so I decided to come home a night early for applefest. I brought matt too, so he could experience the great apple byproducts that glastonbury has to offer.

speaking of home, its so different. UNH seems like home now. I mean glastonbury will always be home to me, but my actual house seems strange and different. I'm assuming it's because of the constantly changing family status, and the divorce... I miss my actual house, but I do not miss the feelings that I associate it with because of my family.

I came home to find out two things that happened to my brother this week that made me angry beyond words. It made me remember why I hate GHS and glastonbury politics so much. The first thing has nothing to do with glastonbury politics or GHS. yesterday, my brother spun out on wet leaves and totaled his car. he is completely fine aside from the fact that he has no freedom left, he has to buy a new car, and has no way of getting anywhere anymore. As if the kid didn't have a bad enough week, enter: glastonbury politics. The varsity A boat for GHS Crew (which consists all of Jeff's best friends) voted that a junior, instead of jeff, would cox the head of the charles. which is the biggest race of the year. I don't understand this. Jeff won the hartwell award and the coach wanted him to cox for said race, there is no doubt that he is good. my poor brother totaled his car and was betrayed by all of his best friends so a junior could cox their boat. I don't think ive ever been more sad for some one before. no one deserves a week like this.

anyways, home sweet home until sunday. and since ive last been here, rats have inhabited the inner workings of the walls in my room which make it frustratingly difficult to fall asleep. its amazing how much this house has changed since i left.
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