
i actually updated.

Mar 12, 2005 01:14

it's been a while... i forgot my password. i'm on spring break and it sucks. but not because of the break.
I've got a few projects i'm working on right now, and a few things i want to do eventually.

1.I bought a computer case and a few new parts, hopefully i can fix it tomorrow. right now my comp is on life support. i'm backing up things on dvd right now in case it dies in surgery.

-black to match my dvd burner, and most importantly only $25.

2.Working on a model car-- around 1/2-2/3 done. the decals will take a while, but it's nearly perfect so far.

3.psyc. project. most people (probably all but me) are doing papers, but i'm trying to be an overachiever by doing a power point , and website (with duplicate content). I"m about halfway done with research for the powerpoint, and then i'll do the website on dreamweaver. I have dreamweaver, but i've never used it. I hope the learning curve isn't too steep. it's called "the psychology of space", which is basically an abstract combination of psyc and architecture. i'll put a link up to the site here when it's done. i've got a month (give or take a few days) to finish. I worked hard the first few days and got ahead of everyone, but i haven't touched it in a few weeks. Still, I'm ahead of everyone. Although it's a lot more work than a 6-7 page paper ,i've got 25-30 ppt slides.

random comment: i want to go to the acc tournament. we whipped V.Tech today, and i'm not doing anything else important this weekend. I could drive to D.C. with the guys, but alas, they have class and stuff.

4. english project. I despise this class. it's about english literature from the civil war to present time. our teacher is an older black woman and relates the entire curriculum to slavery. I know she's not racist, but the premise of the class is "You're white, therefore you should feel guilty for it". So it's a group project with 3 other people, and i'm lucky to be in the one group where all 4 people regularly go to class. it's a powerpoint and presentaion and collaborative effort. due in 6 days, we have nothing.

later projects:

5. film review. film class- i have to watch a film and write a 5-6 page paper on it. won't get the assignemt, and i have a month or so to do it. shouldn't be too bad.

6. sometime either march/april, or over the summer i want to write a screenplay for a film. I've been thinking about it for a while, and i have decided on the broad subject i want to cover. basically my personal experiences(that are somewhat interesting, which is very few) and friends from school and church. all from around 10th grade till hs graduation, but not including graduation. i grew as a person, and did a lot of fun things along the way. I'm going to make ficticious characters based on real people and pull these experiences to hold the script together. I have a good idea of what I want to general plot to be, ie, the beginning and ending, the good times in the middle, and the fallout right before the end because i wasn't there. I've got a list of scenes, and I just have to write the dialouge and transitions. i expect it to be dialouge heavy, ala clerks. I love indenpendent film, but I don't have intention of turning it into a film. i'll give zachary a copy and if he likes it we could talk about filming something, but i don't have the money for it. it's mostly just a personal challenge for myself rather than putting it out there to share with everyone and their brother. but i may do that anyway, depends how happy i am with it.

7. go to church sometime soon. i haven't since easter 2004. i live at home now, but after high school i just got out of the habit. i need to do it a little more, but it never comes to mind on sunday morning. part of it is religion, and part of it is seeing the friends i grew up with that are right there every week, but i haven't seen in a year. also since i'm at home i may go to 7:22 some more. i haven't been there since my freshmen year. it's a great place, but i've only been 5 or 6 times. I'll have to call Amanda, see if she's interested.

Well that's what I want to get done over the next few months. another update soon to come- i promise, none of this once a month stuff.


PS-my picture links were crap and it's been so long since i did html that it took 20 min to get the pics to show right. lol

also i guess i need to change my picture. i don't have anything else to put there so it will have to wait.
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