So the last couple days I've been reading through my old journal posts...
It's kind of weird. Some things I remember writing like it was yesterday, and others I have to really slam the memory to figure out certain details to which the post refers. Some of them make me kind of sad (esp ones referring to Joc and Mark as a couple, or me having so much determination to make it through boot camp), and some of them make me laugh.
As for what's going on right now... not a lot. I've got my online/correspondence classes going on. Kinda been procrastinating on those a bit and haven't done more than like three assignments. I really need to get cracking on those. I have like a year to do them, but the faster I get them done the faster I can take more. I've been waiting on schools to get back to me regarding sorting out my GI Bill issues, and at this point I've practically given up. It's not really a big deal because I know for a fact I'll get my full benefits once I'm taking on campus classes in the Fall. It's just a pain trying to get all the proper paperwork sorted with these correspondence classes. Since I only have 26 months of benefits anyway, it's really not a bad thing to not start collecting benefits right away. We've gotten some bills taken care of, refinanced another couple at half the interest rate, and Mandy got a pay increase (three of them at once technically), so we are really not in bad shape financially. Obviously not in as good shape of those halcyon days of fresh IT career single living excess, but we're still fine.
In worse news, dad in law had a heart attack. Still waiting to see how he's doing; apparently they aren't too sure yet. Last word was that he'll likely be okay, but not out of the woods yet... I'm really hoping he comes through and takes it as a wake up call to improve some of his habits. Mandy might be going home on emergency leave wrt that; we'll see. If she does, I'll probably stay here, because while we're doing okay financially, I don't think we can afford last minute plane tickets for both of us.
The last couple of weeks have been annoying with the consulting firm saying that had something then not a couple of times.
On the gaming front, I've been playing City of Heroes for a few days. I tried it a couple of years ago, but for whatever reason, I didn't find it particularly enjoyable. Again for reasons unbeknownst to me, I'm finding it rather fun this time around.
I made jambalaya tonight. It turned out alright, but not as good as Dad's.
I miss the Corps.