News on medical status, finances, and a range

Oct 28, 2005 07:08

Let's see... still on crutches (grrrr), but the leg really is doing a lot better. I'm doing much better with the weight bearing, and I'm going to start some serious physical therapy (of my own concoction, I've rehab'd enough times to know the drill) so I can at least be weaning off the crutches by the time my con leave ends.

PRK surgery is fantabulous. However, sometimes at night I get confused and think I need to take out my contacts lol. I'm starting to get used to the idea that I can see though, and it's great. At my last follow up appointment about a week ago, I was 20/30 in my right eye and 20/40 in the left. I'm not sure, but I think I am at least 20/20 in both now. Things are pretty darned clear, and when I went to DMV to sort out my license/insurance issues, I passed the vision test and now have an unrestricted license.

The DMV story is sort of interesting in itself I suppose. Basically, NC has higher liability minimums than VA, so when I went to get my base sticker I had to modify my insurance policy. For whatever reason, progressive decided it would be better/easier to just cancel the existing policy and rewrite it as a NC policy. The went ahead and let the VA DMV know that the old policy was canc'd but neglected to mention the new policy. Due to wonky circumstances, I didn't find out that my license was suspended for lack of insurance until about a week after the suspension occurred. When I called them to sort things out, they told me they would waive the $500 fee for lack of insurance (after all, I was insured), but they still wanted to charge me $85 to reinstate the suspended license. The lady on the phone agreed that this was a bunch of b.s. and said she'd ask her supervisor, who refused to waive the fee. At the time I did not have $85. I went into the DMV in person last week and got the same run around after waiting around for over an hour, but this time when I talked to a supervisor (maybe it helps to be flashing the military i.d. with a fresh high and tight while on crutches), she hooked me up. I was of course amused by the fact that even while being nice and understanding, she still held a very grumpy and inhuman demeanor. I guess working at the DMV for years does that to you.

In other news, I applied for a personal finance loan from Navy Fed with my truck as collateral (yes 11% interest is better than the 28% on my closed credit card's balance) and was approved. Yay! Unfortunately, they canc'd it because I took to long to get my lien release letter from the old bank (paid the truck off two years ago but never bothered chasing down the paperwork). I ended up going to the Navy Fed branch aboard the National Maritime Intelligence Center in Suitland, MD three days in a row. Fairly secure installation, and I think the guards knew me by the third day. Not super locked down, in that when they noticed I had crutches they actually gave me a visitor pass and let me park by the building instead of at the gate, but I did have to show my military id, driver's license, and Navy Fed card to show that my story of going to Navy Fed was plausible :P I wonder if Navy Fed members w/o some form of military id (be it active duty, reserve, or dependant) can even get to that branch. I was joking with my buddy Dan that the fools didn't even check my crutches for cameras or explosives, two which he replied, "Now you've done it, they heard that, and next thing you know we'll be face down on the hardball awaiting our full cavity searches." Anyhow, on the third day, I got my cheque. The credit card balance is paid, and I have money to take care of some other debts, as well as get my uniform for the MC Birthday Ball. (The blue dress uniform is not issued in boot camp to everyone anymore, thanks Mr. Clinton). Also, I talked myself out of getting the $6500 top-of-the-line-desktop-replacement-gaming-rig-bow-down-and-worship-my-tiny-god laptop from Voodoo PC after the deployment. I figured instead I would plonk down $1200 (including overnight shipping) right now and get a desktop with tons of room for upgrades and do the upgrades after the deployment. That way I get a new toy right now (yay instant gratification), and still get significant electronic joy next year, all at a reduced cost. For the geeks out there who might be interested, here's what I'm getting:

Tomorrow morning we are going shooting at NRA range and cleaning weapons afterward. I hang my head in shame as I admit that I have not performed weapons maintenance on my personal weapons since before boot camp. They are likely all rusted. We may actually have to clean a little before firing, we'll see. And yes, the primary purpose of this range trip is actually just to function check and clean them, but that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun at it ;) And just so you know, the weapons I stake my life on get treated better (and worse in some ways too, hah). These should too, but I'm a lazy forgetful bitch. Sue me. When I was a civilian and these were the weapons I kept for defensive purposes, they were always clean and ready, but hey, I've been at the barracks aboard Camp Lejeune, and these have been in storage. Anyhow, I'll repost the range announcement for those who don't care to read the entire post but might be interested in throwing some lead downrange ;)

And for those of you wondering, Mandy continues to be wonderful and contributes to my happiness in copious plenitudes :)

medical, computer

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