Aug 06, 2004 01:34
Things I did today, in chronological order:
1. Woke up at 11.
2. Checked my email then got dressed.
3. Washed my car
4. Got my NIN decal(for those of you who don’t like NIN, I don’t give a fuck I do) in the mail
5. Waxed my car for the first time
6. used RainX on the windows
7. Polished the black trim
8. Polished the vinyl on the inside
9. Ate yogurt believed to still be good
10. Puked it up an hour later, proving that it was not so good
11. IME'd Ray to cancel because I strained my tongue… again
12. Was bored and gradually started to feel better
13. Put my Nirvana, Slytherin and NIN decals on car. I have three more, “Iraq is Saudi for Vietnam”, “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican,” and “John Kerry”.
14. Watched CSI, Without a Trace and A&E’s Cold Cases
In general, I had kind of a shitty day. I hate canceling plans even though it seems to happen to me a lot, but oh well.
Tomorrow I work from 1-7pm. Fun times. I do believe I am going to go get some lambskin seat covers for my car this weekend.