Feb 18, 2006 14:53
I'm so damn tired...
I don't know, I'm just having trouble sleeping for any length of time...
I got a couple of hours before it was time to take Beth to the airport. Then, I got a nap on the way to Nashville, and a nap on the way home from Nashville. I've tried twice to sleep since then, and just can't seem to get any decent sleep.
I have no idea why.
So, as I type this, offline, it's 2:19 in the pm on Saturday. I haven't heard from Beth since she passed through security at the airport, which was at six something in the morning, Friday.
I've sent her a dozen offline messages, but have no phone to call her, so all I can do is hope she didn't blow up. I assume that if she blew up, Charles would e-mail me.
I started my time off by going around the house and eating the sweets. Horrible, I know. I ate a candy apple and a candy sampler box first.
I just can't seem to get full or get rested. Seriously, this is like some weird alien test lab or something.
At least I get gifts. I ordered a bunch of stuff from Amazon last week, though my tax money hasn't shown up yet. Beth got me "On Writing" on CD. That's Stephen King's book about how he became the writer he is today. I've got alot of it memorized, though not the whole thing. I really do need to pick up a text copy of it. I've had it on cassette since I got out of the army, because I yoinked it from the Johnson Memorial Library in Millersburg. See, before I went to basic, I checked out 200 bucks worth of audio books. When I got back into town, I wrote them a check, that's how I know it was 200 dollars worth. I was like "Uhm, yeah, I don't know where your books are." And I was telling the truth, because I packed them in a box, and I didn't know which one. Because I gave them money, they let me check out more books. I checked out 10, the limit, and was laughing as the library assistant, who, remarkably, didn't know me, scanned them. I told her, first, that I was the one who set up the computer she was using to scan me out. I had a good hand in getting it up and running. I didn't build it from tinker toys or anything, but I was involved. I so loved that library. Then, I told her that she was never going to see the books, or me, again.
So, I got 400 bucks worth of audio cassettes for the price of $200. Not bad, really. Especially since I had a ton of spare money lying around, because I had just found out I wasn't going to be getting married anytime soon. But that's neither here nor there...
Now, 9 years later, I have the cds for "On Writting." Beth wanted them to be a surprise, but I stumbled upon it anyway, quite by accident. It's actually a good thing, because, when I was ordering stuff on Amazon, I prolly would have ordered myself a copy of "On Writting."
Instead, I ordered season 3 of "Soap" for my beloved. And, for myself, I ordered "Fun Fierce Beer Run", the Bloodhound Gang's first dvd full of videos and behind-the-scenes stuff. They wanted to do lots of naked girls in the thing, but the guys show their own naked bodies more than anything. That's why everybody was selling it so cheap online. Ah, penis fear. How nice it is to profit from homophobia...
Then, I picked up, FINALLy, a copy of Chasing Amy. I think that's the only one of the Jay and Silent Bob movies I was lacking. Of course, I need the Jay and Silent Bob go Digrassi dvd, but I think we still have that at Wal-Mart. I also got Tarzan 2, but only cuz it was cheap. And, damn, George Carlin's in it. He plays a crotchety old ape.
Then, to round it out, I picked up a piece of reading material. "Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything", a Foxtrot collection. The joke, btw, is that girls went to see Lord of the Rings because Orlando Bloom is hot.
I can't remember if I ordered anything else. I spent a total of 70 bucks on Amazon, and 30 at Wal-Mart, so I've spent 100 bucks of my measly 310 dollar return. I think Jackson Hewitt screwed up, and I'm hoping that H&R block can look it over next year. I think I remember the commercial saying that they do that...
I still get five hundred from Wal-Mart cuz we had less than a dozen accidents, and I get to do whatever I want with four hundred of that, my beloved tells me. I have to put a hundred into paying for the vehical. We were gonna pay the whole thing off between her taxes and my bonus, but Nanny, who was the one who lent us 800 bucks of Pa's money, told us there was no rush.
So, what else?
I've not done too horribly much with my first two days off of work. I've been organizing my amazingly large collection of cds, cd-rs, and dvds. I've played with Boxy about as much today as the rest of the month put together. I've eaten a ton of food... I've gotten my arse kicked a million times on the Extreme level of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
I've not played any Magic online. I decided I wasn't gonna play all vacation. I'd like to see if I could go a week without the computer. I prolly could, if Beth was around, and we could go places or something...
I also watched a KICK ASS animated movie, which isn't out yet, thanks to the internet. When it comes out, I'm gonna buy it anyway, so nobody get on my case about piracy. It's the Ultimate Avengers animated movie, and it was far better than I thought it was going to be. I wasn't sure how good it was going to turn out, with Lion's Gate doing it, but it was terrific. Thor's really funny, beacuse no one can doubt how powerful he is, but they think he's a mutant or something, and not a god of Asguard. They all think he's nuts.
Also, you have to respect Lion's Gate, because they showed Nazi Germany, and they actually showed swastikas. I don't know if you've noticed, dear readers, but often cartoons will show some similar symbol, or make sure we don't get a good look at the swastikas. These guys didn't pussy out...
I'm thinking of getting a Playstation portable with my bonus check. I found out it can play roms, if you know what you're doing. I don't know what I'm doing, but I have a magazine, and I know how to read. So, we can pray...
I have nothing else interesting to say right now. I miss my beloved. I'm gonna have to find a way to stop thinking about that for awhile. I can't possibly miss her all the time until Tuesday morning. That would lead to madness...
My damn 310 dollars was due yesterday. It didn't come then, and it didn't come today, and it can't come tomorrow (fucking Christians). I think Monday's a no-mail holiday (fucking ancestors). That means it won't come 'till Tuesday, and Beth will be at work when it comes, so I won't be able to cash it 'till Wedensday. Grrr...
Oh, well...
I'm sleepy. I wonder if I can sleep. I failed twice today to get my sleep on right. Wish me luck, peeps...
Maybe by the time I wake up, Shareaza will have the rest of the Ultimate Avengers downloaded, and I can watch the 10 or 15 minutes that weren't there when I watched it the first time.
Or maybe I'll just eat another meal. There's still some garlic potatoes. I miss the damn Stovetop Stuffing. I ate them right away. Two boxes of the stuff, I think it was 8 servings. That was two meals, not just one, btw.
Okay, now I'm just rambling, and my eyes hurt...
I guess I'll post this cal.
No quotes, no cute cut/pastes, just the info on Justin...
Oh, well, yet again....
Walk in Light, peepers...
as always; I remain:
Just Justin
p.s. live journal had 272,000 posts in the last 24 hours. Way to make me feel special!