Jan 18, 2004 05:47
Well, what can i say...cept not going to school is putting a damper on anything interesting. Of late alls i been doin is playin xbox, surfing a lil, watching movies, and hanging w my sis. OH and i forgot to mention i been sick this past week w the flu. Lovely aint it? but thats life. me mom has been having the flu for OH THREE WEEKS. tho its been gettin alot better and only this past week did it get really bad...around the time i came down w it. So i havent really been wanting to do much.
Well thats not entirely true i have wanted to sleep. Tho i havent been getting that either. two days ago i slept for twelve hours straight bc i was really really sick that day. the next day i couldnt sleep a wink so i stayed up all night till i dropped off around 7a (side note i did sleep for four and a half hrs yesterday). This past night i slept for three hrs from midnight till 3a. and then i woke up and felt refreshed and SO I AM STILL FREAKING AWAKE! But on the upside i am pretty much better now cept for the lack of sleep, and i did listen to a bunch of old Happy Hardcore mp3s that i had lyin around on my puter...gotta love it, and i did find some sellers for some of the djs that i did listen to.
But i did come to a conclusion as i was searching for sleep earlier yesterday morning. that i truly dont feel any remorse for any of the lovers i have taken on...cept for one. My first bf, and that is bc he fucked me up the most. Which is odd bc my first had occupied that spot of loathe for a long time. Funny what a sleepless night will do to ur thinking process.