the rest of march, apirl, and may

Jun 03, 2005 16:17

Hmmm where to begin...
March was a very uneventful month outside of the familial tragedies. life went on in the same fashion as it always had me spending a good heap of time w my bf and family. school was alright for this month cept i was busy which is why i didnt update till two weeks after school ( ya know now). oh yeah my nephew was born on the 16th no major complications cept that he wouldnt eat intitally otw hes fine.

April same here cept i saw less and less of my friends as school was gearing up to the end. which sux but it was expected. my bf saw a change in my behavior and well understood that it was school, so he was nice and understanding as he could b. in this month he got the position of exipidter (expo) which means he manages the kitchen. great huh ur prob thinking he makes more $ right? wrong they kept him at the same bc the general manager wants him to prove that he will keep the position beyond the xtra pay.

May: school is ending and i been spending a lot of time w my nephew as well as my bf. tho i been telling him that the manager is busy jerking him around. i say that bc the manager has not made any effort to watch tom work and see if he really should get a raise (the answer to this is yes he deserves a raise bc after two weeks expo-ing he is already the best expo that they have. he spoke to all of the managers and they say that he deserves a raise...heck one of em thought he already got one bc thats normal proceedure for darden (the company that owns red lobster). the general manager in the middle of may said that he will wait two months ( in addition to the four weeks before) and give tom two raises at the end of july. in effect jerking him around for four weeks and trying to get slave labor outta him. one of the smaller managers, anita was very apolligetic that this happened but she's not part of the Darden good ol' boys network so she has no pull on the general manager whatsoever. anita has gotten to b a very good woman to tom and almost like a mother figure which is a turn around from where she was at when tom started working there. she just pushed bc she wanted to see him succeed in the that he is its obv she doesnt need to push bc he pushes himself. well not any more bc hes sooo tired of not being paid fairly. while he does a good job he's not doing a spectactcular job like he used to bc its not getting him anything. i told him to slow the kitchen down till he gets a raise (old union tactic that he can do since he manages the kitchen), but he wont. heck he wont play hardball and talk to the general manager even tho i tell him thats the only way to get anything in business.

My school ended well i got an A tho i detested the teacher but thats life huh. but i had fun for the last project which was a powerpoint lecture that you might give the students the first day of class. i was VERY animated during it and well surprised the teacher and classmates bc i had a unique sense of humor that the students will get. Also it was this month that we found a dog infront of our house...well a puppy. shes cute and was later named blondie. tho she needs to grow out of her habit of biting and other animals. slowly shes getting better abo it.

june already a relaxing month has started and i am enjoying it. the kids just want me to help around the house and i am still getting the dregs of the VA $ that i earned from the previous month so i will b alright if i dont work for a number of months. every one is fine and settleing down to life w the baby since my sis is already bak at work. her maternity leave is over and i think everyone is happy at her work since she is so organized. tho theres a major shit storm at her work, which i am not goin into bc its not my she tells me. Tom is getting tired of red lobster and is applying for server positions elsewhere. Oddly enough yesterday at one of the restaurants one of the servers knew if tom doesnt tell her abo his look she will. anita is still a nice woman but shes a gossip. tho she doesnt mean any harm by the gossip she just gossips bc she cant keep anything a secret I am almost certain her friends would b gossips too which just aint bad...esp in this case. Me and tom been thrift store shopping bc we r so bored of being at home either his or mine. and we found a nice leather like couch for $20 a few rips in it but i asked my mom if she can sew upholstry grade vynil (yes thats what the couch is hense leather like) for the cushions (it has the most rips 5 on both cushions and one on the arm but cant do anything abo it cept the ghetto thing electrical tape) she said she would need to see it but thinks she can. i know she can bc she has thich thread that would b best for it and two very goos sewing machines she just got to watch for when the needles break. oh well so we will see me and tom r gunna buy the vynil sometime soon bc we found a very good store in tucson to buy the material from. YEA! plus when i throw out my rug it has some very good ones that i can buy, but i think it will hold out a year before that.
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