Title: breathing patterns
saaifioneRating: PG / K+
Summary: The summer before they lose the war, Sokka takes people diving. Sokka/Zuko, Gaang.
let's go diving)
Title: twice ever after
saaifioneRating: PG-13 / T
Summary: Deep into the end of summer, they lost everything when they lost the war. But this is a second life and a second chance, even if it doesn't seem to be the right one. Sokka swears he'll find Zuko. Sokka/Zuko.
prologue (
it wasn't enough)
chapter 1 (
how fast must i live my life to meet with you again?)
chapter 2 (
you shouldn't be here)
chapter 3 (
I know just who to go to)
Started posting these but only getting around to sharing them at different places. ^^ They're (spiritually) related pieces.