Title: the woman chained (she who thinks of bravery)
Author: andromeda3116/cupid-painted-blind
Rating: K+ because of genre
Genre: Angst/Drama? Gen?
Characters/Pairings: Lin, Sokka, Aang. Hints towards Toph/Sokka.
Summary: Lin is Earth, and Earth has no limit. (Even a warrior chained and starved and beaten can kill a man if she has brain enough to think and courage enough to try.)
A/N: I haven't really fangirled about her on LJ, but Lin officially became my favorite character in Korra and AtLA around her second appearance. Also, I’m not sure how I feel about Toph/Sokka - I’ve never really had an emotion one way or another about the pairing - but I really like the idea of Sokka being a surrogate father for Lin.
Also, I didn't see anything that said that Legend of Korra fanfiction shouldn't be posted here, and the Korra fic communities seem pretty empty, so I posted this here. If it's illegal, I'll delete immediately.
-the woman chained
Lin was three years old when she first felt the earth move like she wanted it to, showering that annoying jerk Bumi with such a rain of tiny rocks that he ran off crying to his mother. Katara had scolded her, fiercely protective of her little boy, and Aang had given her a stern talking-to, but Mother had simply clapped her on the shoulder and said, “Finally.”
She had started her earthbending lessons that day.
Although people had looked at her and Mother oddly (judgmentally) and whispered unkind things about Mother and Mother’s Way Of Life (though that was hardly new), Lin loved every moment of training.
“Aren’t you worried about burning her out?” Katara would ask nervously, fretting like Katara always fretted. “Everyone says that children should gradually work up to serious training…” But Mother had always brushed her off and Lin had never really understood why Katara was so fussy over her lessons; it was the seven hours of formal schooling that stressed and exhausted her, and made her feel stupid and incompetent. Earthbending was an escape, it was the only thing she really, absolutely, definitely knew and wanted to do.
In that, she would slowly learn, she was altogether too much like her mother.
she who thinks of bravery; the leader of men - )