Title: pièce de résistance
Author: andromeda3116
Rating: G
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Characters/Pairings: Aang, Suki, Toph, Sokka, cameos from other members of the group. No pairings.
Summary: Aang's masterpiece of culinary art -- the culmination of a week's blood, sweat, tears, and more sugar than any single human should ever be involved with -- is missing, mere hours before the Winter Solstice party is due to start.
A/N: This was written for
whisperingwasp, who requested "a Toph/Aang fic with the theme of gingerbread men." I'm sorry to say, it came out very, very gen rather than shippy, but friendship works too? Happy holidays, everyone!
It was such a good gingerbread temple. He'd put so much work into it, and he'd been so excited to show it off to everybody, and now no one would see it and it was breaking his heart. )