Title: Blood Amongst the Flowers
avatar_500Characters: Ty Lee, Zuko
Rating: T
Prompt: Empty
Word Count: 418
Warnings: AU-ish, Implied Sex, Implied Character Death
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar. Sadly enough.
Summary: Pick her poison, but Ty Lee prefers all of them. Companion to
Break the Sky.
He kisses her then. Ty Lee doesn't stop him. Title: Sunlight in December (Transit the Sun Interlude)
atlalandCharacters: Aang, Halfrek, Buffy
Rating: T
Prompt: Crossover (AtLA/BtVS)
Word Count: 1,164
Warnings: General Spoilers, Language
Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar. Sadly enough.
Summary: No, she can't land in a world filled with happiness and light and puppies that chase rainbows. It's so freaking typical.
If wishes were ostrich-horses, Aang just trampled the whole world.