Title: Always Be With You
Genre: action/romance/angst/mythos
Pairing: Sokka & Yue
Rating: T
Words: 588
Notes: Season 1 finale spoilers. umm, angst. whee.
This is a short fic'let, and could use some genuine critique. I'm tempted to write something full blown and proper with it. If anyone likes the concept and wants to run with it, let me know.
"The legends say the Moon was the first WaterBender..."
"Goodbye Sokka... I'll always be with you..."
"The spirits gave me a vision when Yue was born. I saw a beautiful, brave, young woman become... the Moon Spirit. I knew this day would come."
He remembered the words spoken on the day she died. Although it was nearly a year ago now. It was all making sense now.
She was gone. She had died. He had held her in his arms and watched... as she disappeared. All to revive the Moon Spirit. It had to happen. She had saved everyone. It didn't make it any easier. It didn't make it any better. She was gone. He had loved her. Even though it had been short... He had wanted... He had wanted to be the one to give her a hand carved necklace.
He had liked Suki. She was strong and beautiful. And after he had arrived, her village had been attacked. No, it had been decimated.
He had loved Yue. Her entire tribe had nearly been wiped out. The Moon Spirit had been killed. And then, she had died.
He was tired. He was done with trying to love. All his energy went into making Aang the Avatar now. That was all that mattered. Protect Katara. Help Aang. Save the world.
Yue would have wanted that. Yes. She would be proud that he was doing his duty.
And he didn't want to love anyone new. That was done.
And now he was back home. At the Southern Water Tribe Village. Because something had happened last week. Katara and Aang had agreed that they needed the old Water Master's advice.
Zuko had lost sight of Katara and Aang. But that idiot Water Tribe warrior was still here. They wouldn't leave him. He couldn't risk losing sight of Sokka.
Sokka backed up as Zuko came at him. Dodging fire with each step. Katara and Aang had escaped into the trees. They were safe. Zuko was strong. A bender and a warrior. Aang and Katara were safe. He was tired. He wasn't a Bender. He was the weak link of the team. He was holding them back. This was okay. He could rest now.
But he wouldn't lay down and die. He wouldn't die running.
He planted his foot and turned on Zuko, swinging one leg up in a kick, his arms flowing in the wave-like movements he'd been trained in.
His entire body suddenly felt warmer. The FireBending must've connected. He was going to kick that blasted Prince's face if it was the last thing he did.
He could swear he heard Yue's voice whispering in his ear, "I'm with you."
The warmth flowed along his entire body as his leg connected with Zuko's head, cutting him off mid-bending. A wave of water followed his leg, slamming Zuko to the ground.
He continued fighting, the only way he knew how. More graceful, more measured than usual, but the same basic movements he already knew. And each kick, each punch, water followed. Until Zuko was unconscious, and he left into the forest to rejoin Aang and Katara.
So now he at across from Master Paku. Her voice whispered in his ear. Nothing specific, but it was the murmur of her voice. She was with him. Nothing else mattered.
"The chosen of the Moon Spirit can no more avoid WaterBending than stop breathing." Master Paku sighed deeply. "You must learn Bending Sokka. Yue-- the Moon Spirit cannot always lead your movements."
Do NOT use this art for anything, icons or anything else without my permission.
Yeah, my water effect sucks, I was tired. And I just flat out suck with hands here.