Title of Fic: Life before his eyes
Author Name:
chinae , aka Erika
Giftee's Name: WinglessArchangelStudios
akitotsubaki and
schwarztkd Words: 750+
Rating: PG
Genre: Action / Adventure, with bits of drama
Warnings and pairings: Please consider this to be an AU.
Personal Note: For the
avatarbigbang mini-fest.
Summary: For the video
"Wrath of Earth". by
dark_puck Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move. Quote: Sun Tzu
It is believed that at the moment of death, one can see their life flash before them. See the mistakes they've made and their successes. Relive, momentarily the path they took to get them to that point when they meet their end.
As he is blasted with a fireball, Long Feng feels it burn along his skin, as his skin blisters, as it melts, as his skin hangs from his face, neck and hands. He can no longer see. When he breathes, it is smoke and burning flesh. How could this be his end? His last breath?
How can fire win now, when he has defeated it so well in the past?
How could this -
Earth Kingdom: Twenty - one years ago
As Ba Sing Se burns, the ground beneath the city begins to shake. The plates shift into a new shape, until underneath the once-powerful city, a maze of catacombs are formed.
Above, people grab what they can, running to safety as Earthbenders move to sink sections of the city and populace from the stone plaza to the ground below, out of reach of the fire. Other Earthbenders hurl stone toward oncoming flame, shifting it away, only to drop back as the wind again picks up, moving the wildfire from its intended direction, fuelling it once more.
"Grand Secretariat," A Dai Li agent quickly bows, directing Long Feng to safety, to the catacombs underneath the Lake Laogai. "The Prince is this way."
The fire is consuming the city, and the Earthbenders are left with no other option but to seek the shelter of their underworld and to escape the natural disaster that has befallen their land.
Long Feng comes upon a young woman, and her charge, four-year-old Prince Kuei. The young prince is leaning against her leg, sucking his thumb, eyes warily looking at the Dai Li.
Long Feng turns to look at one of his lieutenants. "The King, were you able to get him to safety?" he asks. For the safety of their Kingdom and royal line, they had separated the royal family.
"No, Grand Secretariat. One of the catacombs collapsed…." his lieutenant explains but Long Feng raises his hand to cut him off.
"And the Grand Council, what of them?" The top government officials had been taken to safety through another passageway.
"Only a few survived."
This news is met with silence. This has been the driest season in Earth Kingdom history. Their crops were ruined, their people scattered and burned, their once grand city destroyed.
And they couldn't even blame the Fire Nation.
No; this was just a natural disaster and with no Avatar what could mere mortals do against these elements?
Long Feng looks at the prince now king, at his young charge.
Their Kingdom cannot fall. He will not allow it. Long Feng has come too far, to let it be taken away from him, to let it be ruined by an inexperienced prince, who is but a child.
How can this boy lead his people?
He can not.
He will not.
Long Feng looks toward his Dai Li agents. "Get the surviving Grand Council members to Lake Laogai, for there is much to plan."
"Yes, Grand Secretariat." The Dai Li agent states as he and some of the other officers' head back to the city.
"Bring the child with you," Long Feng tells the caregiver. "Make sure that all his needs are cared for." He stands before the boy. Young royals are usually kept away from the public and even the officials that visit the palace. They are neither seen nor heard. All that people know is that he they exist, their heir to the throne. Long Feng continues to stare at the boy and finds the boy staring back. He notes the blackened soot on the young prince's robes.
"Find him suitable garments. The coronation will be held tomorrow."
Long Feng turns to observe his remaining kingdom. The King is dead. The King lives. Long live the King. Long live the Grand Secretariat, the true power behind the King.
Yes, that has a nice ring to it.
He can see it now, his rise to power, his control of the young King and all those who dare defy him.
Today destiny called and who is he to defy her?
Who is he -
He gasps, mouth open and flesh ablaze. His scream cannot escape his lips. He is Long Feng. He is - no more.