Lend me some fresh air...

Sep 13, 2006 10:10

Borrowed from the Lovely Orom.

Looking back on this summer, have you...

1. Drank alcohol?

2. Cried?
No... Damn, I'm just not exciting...

3. Kissed anyone?
My brother kissed me for buying him a video game...

4. Been on a vacation to a different state?
I didn't go anywhere this summer, except to Bumbershoot, which is it's own province.

5. Been on a vacation to a different country?

6. Been to the beach?
I live on one you idiot, of course i've gone to one...

7. Been to an island?
Yes, two.

8. Done drugs?

9. Smoked?
No, no stoggies for me...

10. Snuck out?
No, but autumn ended up getting me lost in the woods...

11. Had a sleepover?
I think so, cannot really remember...

12. Stayed up all night?
A few times, I wanted to find time to paint.

13. Slept in someone else's bed?
No, I'm that OCD about other people's things...

14. Went pee in a pool?
Ha, no, but my brother did! :P

15. Went skinny dipping?
It's too cold, plus, there is no polar bear club around here. Damn...

16. Been on the computer a lot?

17. Played video games?
No, I cannot figure them out half the time.

18. Listened to an iPod/mp3 player?

19. Been on over 30 car rides?
Yes, driving school...

20. Been grounded?

21. Been to a party?
Ah... Does a big Druken crowd at Bumbershoot count?
A couple of other house parties.

22. Regret something?
Eh, one thing, I guess I could have spent more time with lover, but we've worked everything out.

23. Been dumped?

24. Lied?
I most likely forgot about something anyways, so maybe.

25. Done anything against the law?

26. Been camping?

27. Got in a fight?
Somewhat of a fight with my brother. He threw wood at me and ect...

29. Stayed at a hotel?

30. Talked on the phone all night?
I wish I remembered my 1990's a bit more, but no...

31. Went shopping?
I was made to...

34. Asked someone out?
Ha... No.

35. Got in a car with a stranger?
Driving school...

36. Lost someone close?
Sort of. Great-grandmother on my mum's side died, but I have not seen her in quite a long time.

37. Had someone sleep in your bed?
No... The thought detests me.

38. Been to a movie?
No... :P

39. Been to a club?
Better than that, Bumbershoot...

40. Slept in?
What do you think?

41. Got tanner?
I guess so, I've had to chop wood and other mountain things, so, yes, I guess so.

42. Watched TV for more than 5 hours?
I haven't really been able ot sit through a movie, let alone a television show.

43. Tried something new?

44. Did homework?
If you mean by studying, yes. I was bored.

45. Learned something new?
Of course, my young grasshopper.

46. Went surfing?
No, too cold.

47. Went dancing?
Sortof at Bumbershoot.

48. Been to a concert?
Hell yes!

49. Quoted a movie?

50. Played with fire?

51. Made new friends?
Sort of.

52. Who is the person/people you were with the most?
Brother, Oscar forbid...

53. Where have you been the most?
My house, Poulsbo, Bremerton.

54. What is your favorite ice cream this summer?
I didn't really eat ice cream this summer.

55. What is the best day?
I dunno, thurdays or fridays.

56. What is your biggest regret so far this summer?
Not starting with driving school soon enough, not painting as much.

57. What is your favorite quote this summer?
"SON OF WEED!" (Sorry autumn, you're not getting away with that burst...)

58. What is your favorite movie this summer?
Lola Runnt, or The Terminal.

59. Is this the best summer so far?
Hell no.

60. Are you looking forward to school starting?
Yes, I'll finally have something to do, besides painting odd things in my room.
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