You're mature, you encourage other people, you would fight for what's important, and that Sokka and Toph grew on you after awhile makes me say Katara. Your strengths and weaknesses remind me of her as well.
I see both Yue and Suki in you, for both your compassion and strength. I think I'm going to vote Katara, however, as she seems a happy medium between these characters and fits more of your Avatar-related questions.
I also see you as Katara and a lot of what was in your likes, strengths, and weaknesses really tipped me off at first, then your answers in the "which are you" section settled me. :3
I see a lot more Yue in you, personally. She's one of the few Avatar females who I'd actually describe as "girly," and she's also shyer than the more outspoken options I was considering. She is indeed stubborn and rather closed-- remember, she was intent on maintaining tradition and she didn't reveal her concerns to Sokka until much later. She's very polite, friendly, understanding, and all of your "or" responses fit her almost perfectly.
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