Name: Kris.
Originally Stamped As: Kyoshi.
Five positive adjectives to describe you: Confident, relentless, focused, calm, logical.
Five negative adjectives to describe you: Blunt, critical, impersonal, stubborn to a fault, unforgiving.
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Do you ever initiate arguments or fights?: I do, and have in the past. I've gotten into physical and verbal fights with others, and feel I rightfully initiated them. I will not, however, get into a fight with someone without a good, solid reason.
Would you say you have a high tolerance for pain?: Yes. I'll make faces and growl for the first few seconds, and then do my best to move on. I don't like skulking over injuries.
Are you more direct or stealthy?: Pretty direct, but I'll utilize stealth if it's necessary.
Do you prefer confrontations to be up close and personal or from a distance?: Up close and personal. It's often easier for me to figure out weaknesses and tactics when I'm in the fray of things. I work better under pressure.
Do you prefer items which are unique or do you tend to buy more generic brands?: Items that are unique to me. It's a silly pet peeve of mine, but seeing several other people with the same thing I've got just annoys me to some degree.
Do you ever get emotionally attached to items? If so, to what extent?: Very few. There are things I may be disappointed to see having to go, but I get over it quickly. They're just material items.
Are you willing to undergo extensive training to master a weapon?: Absolutely. It's grueling work, but in the long run, it's a smarter way to go.
Your village is under a surprise attack! What's the first thought that runs through your head?: To end this attack before it can progress into an even worse stage.
Regardless of what your first thought was, are you ultimately more likely to make sure that everyone is safe, to jump in the fray, or something else entirely?: Jump in the fray. Those who cannot fight will be sure to hide themselves, and those who can will be able to protect them. I'd rather get to the heart of the attack and minimalize the damage that would otherwise be dealt on the village if I were to be running around and seeing if everyone was safe.
Somehow, you've managed to defeat the invaders. Many of them are still alive, however; what do you do with them?: Restrain them and question them. I want to know why they attacked our village. From there, it would depend case-by-case, but in all likelihood, I'd have them killed. They would have to have one incredibly good reason for me to extend the mercy they were unwilling to extend to us.
Despite it all, part of picking a weapon is pure preferences. Pick all that would appeal to you in a weapon:
[ ] Bluntness
[x] Sharpness
[x] Speed
[ ] Defense
[ ] Tradition
[ ] Elegance
[x] Efficiency
[ ] Small
[ ] Large
Which weapon do you think you're least suited for and why? Club. Blunt weapons in general never struck me as all that efficient. It seems like it would be dead weight and end up slowing me down more than being useful.
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