The standard
What are your interests? Animals, anime, photography, foods, sleeping, books, yaoi, conventions, and the interwebs.
Dislikes/Pet peeves? I have quite a lot; Cockroaches, needles, heat, people who hate without a reason, not having a vehicle, slow sunday drivers (this applies to people walking slowly in my way in stores too), badly drawn yaoi, how people are so caught up with religion and what everyone is, having irrational fears, feeling weak or stupid, crying when I'm really upset, me being bad at video games, high school(worse years of my life), when squirrels turn around back towards the road, getting something in my eye, cereal but there is no milk in the house, etc.
Talents? Don't think I have any : /
Profession? If student, what are your future goals? My future goal is to be a great Zoologist some day.
Chinese Zodiac sign? Does it fit you? Horse, not really.
Post the links to three applications you've voted on:
1 2 3 Which appeals to you more?
Discipline or Fun: Both, you need an equal balance to have a satisfing life.
Dark or Light (in literal terms):Light, I get paranoid in the dark sometimes.
Directness or Stealth: Both, different situations make different needs to save your ass.
Past or Future: Future
A small group or a large one: Small
Justice or Mercy:Justice
In depth
You've been captured by the enemy. They'll let you go if you take them to an ally (not necessarily friend) of yours. What do you do?Refuse and sit around quietly planning my escape and the death of all those who dared touch me.
You're offered your choice of any one weapon, spell, or protection device. What do you take? Fully loaded Ak-47
You've been ordered to kill someone. How easily can you accept this? Depends on the person and what they've done. I'm not just a random killer, I need a motive.
Someone has fallen and they can't get up! Oh, wait, they're from the side that tried to kill you a minute ago. Do you leave them there, kill them, or still help them up? Probably leave them there, I'm compassinate but there is a limit to my kindness.
Do the ends justify the means? Not always but that is the way of life.
Can you tolerate following orders and never having a say in what gets done? Nah, I'm more of the speak up and piss everyone off type.
You are quietly enjoying your lunch when a fight breaks out between some of your friends and/or allies and a group you don't recognize. This conflict is unrelated to your goal. How do you respond? Step forward ready to kick some ass. Ain't nobody gonna mess with my people.
Put these in order of most to least valued (optional: explain your choices):
Knowledge- knowledge is everything
Prosperity/Wealth- With this you can optain a vast amount of knowledge.
Power- Without this you would be dead.
Freedom- To feel trapped all the time would cause me to go insane.
Inner Strength- I find it pathetic when people think life isn't worth living, your not even old enough to be saying that.
Order- Chaos would also cause me to lose my mind.
Love- This is nice to have but not something we really must have.
Peace- This is a great dream but not something destructive humans really have the ability to reach.
A wild Sabertoothmooselion appeared! You...: Feed it something nice and take loads of pictures, they can smell fear.
If you participated in the bending theme, what element did you get? Water
Which group do you think you would work the least well with? Why? Not really sure. It would have to be the fire nation military now that I think about it simply because I couldn't kill random people (like the air nomads) just because I was ordered too. They don't give pions information in the army and I'd need major reasons and information to do something like that!
Anything else we should know? Nope