(no subject)

Nov 11, 2012 17:51

Title: Bump In The Night
Recipient: blueowls
Rating: K+
Characters: Jinora + Ikki
Summary: Being an older sister comes with certain responsibilities - and investigating weird noises is one of them.

“Jinora. Jinooraa. Jinoooraaa. Jinora!”

Jinora wakes up and feels a hand fly across her mouth as she opens her eyes. Through the darkness she makes out Ikki standing over her with a finger over her mouth.

“What,” she angrily whispers. The buzz outside tells her it’s still nighttime, and she was very content sleeping.

Ikki’s face brightens as she leans in closer to Jinora and says, “We’re going monster hunting!”

Jinora’s pretty sure that most people don’t have to deal with hyperactive sisters waking them up at two in the morning to go monster hunting.

“No,” she grumpily responds, though it comes out as more of a groan. Ikki simply continues to stand over her as Jinora tries to fall back asleep. Turns out it’s hard to fall asleep when you know someone’s staring at you.

“Go away,” she yawns, but Ikki just shakes her head no and continues to stare. This lasts for about a minute before Jinora reaches her breaking point.

“Fine,” she snaps, “I’ll go. But just so we’re clear, I’m pretty sure there aren’t any monsters on Air Temple Island.”

“You don’t know that,” Ikki says gleefully. “I heard rustling and weird noises! There’s definitely something weird out there so hurry up!”

It takes only a few moments to get Jinora up and out, made faster than normal by Ikki generously pulling the covers off of her older sister. Together they set out towards the bamboo garden, where Ikki swore she heard strange noises.

“It’s nothing like a flying bison or a lemur! It made a weird gurgling sound and then rustled off! It must be a monster!”

“Or,” Jinora interrupts, “it could just be an animal you’ve never heard before.”

Ikki glares at her before declaring Jinora to be ‘no fun’. When they finally reach the bamboo Ikki gives a “shooosh” and then directs them to a small opening before crouching down and motioning for Jinora to crouch down with her.

“What’s going on?”

“We’re waiting for the monster,” Ikki replies with her ‘serious face’.

Jinora feels herself groan. “How long?”

“As long as it takes! Now stay alert.” She then demonstrates by quickly turning her head from side to side, which Jinora thinks looks pretty silly.

Not so long ago it would have been Mom or Dad dragged out here on Ikki’s new adventure, but ever since Meelo was born both their parents have been busier than usual. Jinora supposes that Ikki’s not used to the attention being on their brother, since not so long ago she was the baby of the family. So of course it’s just her luck that Ikki demands it from her instead.

Jinora groans lightly and buries her head in her hands because she knows this is how her life is going to be from now on.

Soon seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into an hour and just as Jinora is about to fall back asleep she hears it. The slight crackle of bamboo being bent. She catches Ikki’s eye, whose head is leaning towards the left. Jinora closes her eyes and holds her breath and- there! Another crackle!

“Look!” Ikki grabs Jinora roughly and drags her along as she opens her eyes- they’re moving closer to the rustling.

“Wait!” Jinora hisses. “Why are we moving towards the monster again?”

Ikki rolls her eyes.

“Don’t be such a koala sheep. It can’t be that bad! Besides,” she says with narrowed eyes, “you said it wasn’t a monster.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous!”

Ignoring her sister’s protest Ikki kept creeping closer, waiting for the right moment to strike. She could hear Jinora following nervously right behind her. ‘Wait for it...’ she tensed and then-

“Gotcha!” Ikki proudly proclaims as she holds up the monster which is... a piece of bamboo?

“Huh? Wait, no, I thought I got it! How could it have moved so fast?!” Ikki complains.

Jinora swallows her sigh of relief and tries to think about this rationally. “Maybe it was just our minds playing tricks on us?”

“Maybe,” Ikki grumbles. They both prepare themselves for the disappointing walk home. They turn around to see- a pair of floating eyes and a tongue!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” they both shriek and in answer the tongue makes a gurgling sound that substitutes pretty well as a scream, before the rest of its body appears and it flies off towards the housing.

“Monkeyfeathers,” Jinora curses. Ikki gives her a half-hearted glare but for once doesn’t threaten to tell Mom. Her glare shifts into a frown as her brows furrow.

“What exactly was that thing anyways? At first it was just eyes and a tongue but I swear before it left it looked like a winged lizard?”

“Well,” Jinora slips into her ‘I am the eldest and therefore know more than you’ tone, “that was a Quilled Chameleon. They’re found in parts of the Earth Kingdom where there is a lot of trees.”

“But that doesn’t make sense! We don’t have them on the island so it had to have come from Republic City.”

Jinora shrugs. “Maybe it’s a pet.”

Suddenly something bright catches their eyes and they look around too see the rooms slowly being lit up. Screams are coming from inside, yells and curses, and just the general sound of chaos.

“Get it away! Get it away!”

“Monkeyfeathers! What was that!”

“Where did this thing even come from!”

Jinora and Ikki look at each other with wide eyes. That last one was Dad yelling.

“Okay,” Ikki said resolutely. “Here’s what we do. We enter through the dining hall, since nobody will be there, and immediately join the chaos. Nobody will suspect that we were out, much less that we may have scared it into the temple.”

Jinora can’t find anything wrong with that plan.

“Sounds good little sister.”
Ikki gives her a giant smile and a hug and they set off running towards the mayhem they had inadvertently caused.

character: ikki, character: jinora

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