WEEK 26 || optimism ; promo poster ; "sweet potato"

Oct 01, 2007 20:48

NOTE ON SUBMISSIONS: Because the new season has started, I'm going to request that you do not use SPOILER caps from an episode until two weeks after it has aired. This means that you can use a cap that doesn't give anything away from the episode. I'll let you know if your icon has potential spoilers.

General: Optimism
Your icon must convey optimism in some sense, whether it's through happiness, hope, etc. :D

Image Provided: Promo Poster

(Cap provided by Distant Horizon)

Remember, you may use stock images, brushes, textures, etc., but you may not use other caps. You may use the image at a higher resolution if you have it.

Lyrical: Sia - "Sweet Potato"

No stream at the moment, sorry!

She cooks you sweet potato you don't like aubergine
She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from grease
She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure
And so she stands and waits anticipating your thoughts

How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you
How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you

He brushes thoroughly
He know she likes fresh breath
He rushes to the station
He waits atop the steps
He's brought with him a mars bar
She will not buy nestle
And later he'll perform
A love-lorn serenade, a trade

How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you
How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you

So give her information to help her fill her holes
Give an ounce of power so he does not feel controlled
Help her to acknoledge the pain that you are in
Give to him a glimpse of that beneath your skin

Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest
I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed
I hate that you negate me, I'm a ghost at beck and call
I'm falling and placating, berate myself for staying

I'm a fool
I'm a fool

He greets his stranger meekly a thing that she accepts
She sees him waiting often with chocolate on the steps
He senses she is lonely she's glad they finally met
They take each other's hands walk into the sunset
(Lyrics provided by Let's Sing It)

Remember, you must quote three CONSECUTIVE words that inspired your icon. :)

How to Submit:

URL: http://pics.livejournal.com/helium_icons/pic/0007f4zs
Theme: General
Lyrics: n/a
Notes: (Credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)

And here's the code for you to copy and paste into your comments (be sure to remove the option that you're NOT choosing!):

Theme: General/Image Provided/Lyrical
Lyrics: Only for the lyrical theme. Put the three or more words you based your icon off here.
Notes: (credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)

♦ Submit icons to this post (screened before and during voting; unscreened after voting has concluded).
♦ Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 or smaller; 40kB or smaller; jpg, png, or gif).
♦ You may combine themes if you wish, but your icon can only be entered into one theme.
♦ Up to three icons per artist for three different themes.
♦ Absolutely NO text of any form!
♦ Completely fill out ALL areas of the submission form (except for notes, which are optional).
♦ Icons are due Friday, October 5 at 7:00PM PDT. There may be an extension, based on the number of entries.

Have fun! :D

submit, week 26

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