8 lovely icons this week! Is everyone busy for summer vacation? :( Well, there'll be no special category this week (since we need at least 15 icons for that), but we still have voting for first, second, and third place :)
General: Encore
13 || villains
8 || water
Image Provided: Panshots
Lyrical: "Samson"
history books
forgot about us
you are my
sweetest downfall
I loved you first,
I loved you first
Poll Remember:
During Voting
♦ Do not vote for the same icon twice for any category.
♦ Anyone can vote! You don't have to be a member or a participant. (This is subject to change if I find anyone breaking the following rule, though.)
♦ Do not vote for yourself or get others to vote for you.
♦ Make sure to fill out all the fields! That way, the voting is fairly even. :)
♦ Do not point out individual icons until after voting has concluded. You may, however, comment about the entire batch.
♦ Voting concludes on August 13 at 5:00PM PST. This is a temporary time change.
After Voting Has Concluded
♦ All icons are snaggable. HOWEVER, you must check the submissions post to see who created the icon, and you must give credit unless otherwise specified.
♦ Be polite if you're giving concrit.
Good luck! ♥
- hl