General: Fire
(Current Count: 6)
Coincidentally, today was obnoxiously hot. I attempted to walk home, but I was ready to swoon before I even got halfway home. So I asked my mom to pick me up, since she was home, LOL. (Hey, there was no way I was going to walk up a somewhat steep-ish okay-not-really slope in 138957915-degree weather.). California is freakish. -__-;
Anyway! Your icon just has to feature fire in some form. This one's probably more broad than last week's :P Just don't make it too vague. Like, you can have the sun as your fire, but don't make it a single 1px spot in the corner, you know? I'll let you know if your icon is too vague.
Image Provided: Teo
(Current Count: 5)
Remember, these caps should be the only caps/scans featured in your icon. Feel free to combine them as you wish, though X3 Also, if you find the same cap elsewhere, feel free to use that one.
Lyrical: "Kingdom" by VNV Nation (
(Current Count: 5)
I haven't forgotten about your suggestions, guys *g* I'm going to go find the MP3s as soon as this post is up. Anyway, VNV Nation's Empires album is sooo good lyrics-wise (it's pretty good for the actual music too, lol); I could have potentially chosen any of the songs for their lyrics XD;; But I finally settled on this one, because it's so Ozai really flexible. :)
Our domain, this kingdom come
Now godless lands whose ways are lost.
Without the strength to carry on.
All values lost all virtue none.
Did you think you would be saved
By burning flags to cleanse yourselves of shame?
Or are you afraid as you stare back at your face?
Are you ashamed, are you afraid,
By destroying what the gods once gave?
Do you think you will be saved?
I believe that we'll conceive
To make in hell for us a heaven.
A brave new world.
A promised land.
A fortitude of hearts and minds.
Until I see this kingdom is mine,
I'll turn the darkness into light.
I'll guide the blind.
My will be done until the day
I see our kingdom has been won.
No more the servants of the weak
Devoid of thought or light to seek.
I’ll leave no walls, no stone unturned.
Every tower to be razed to the dust from which it came.
None will be spared, no remnant saved.
Are you ashamed, are you afraid,
Of the gods and idols you have made?
Did you think you would be saved
By the gods and idols you have made?
None will be saved.
None will be saved.
(Lyrics from
You must quote at least THREE consecutive words when you submit your icon.
How to Submit:
URL: General
Lyrics: n/a
Snaggable? No
Is constructive criticism okay? Yes
Notes: (Credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)
And here's the code for you to copy and paste into your comments (be sure to remove the option that you're NOT choosing!):
Theme: General/Image Provided/Lyrical
Lyrics: Only for the lyrical theme. Put the two or more words you based your icon off here.
Snaggable? Yes/No (pick one)
Is constructive criticism okay? Yes/
No (pick one)
Notes: (credits, explanations, etc.) (optional)
♦ Submit icons to this post (screened before and during voting; unscreened after voting has concluded).
♦ Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 or smaller; 40kB or smaller; jpg, png, or gif).
♦ You may combine themes if you wish, but your icon can only be entered into one theme.
♦ Up to three icons per artist for three different themes.
♦ Absolutely NO text of any form!
♦ Completely fill out ALL areas of the submission form (except for notes, which are optional).
♦ Icons are due Friday, May 4, at 7:00PM PST. If I'm running late, however, I'll take last-minute late entries.
Have fun! :D
- hl