Adult Avatard Moment At Work

Aug 07, 2008 09:41

This happened a few months ago.

So I'm an adult fan (young adult, but still...) and I work in a sales call center. Like, rows upon rows of endless cubes. So I was a Sr Lead, and overseeing my team on a weekend shift. One salesmen came over and asked me for a crazy discount on some equipment for their customers. I told them no (because the discount was outrageous and it was for a "long time customer" of three months). He went back and talked to the customer, and then came over again and asked once more if I could bend the rules.

Something went "PING" in my head. I gave him cheesy grin and waved my arms about. "I can't bend rules," I told him, "But I can bend the elements."

I'm not even kidding. Four people around me popped their heads out of their cubes and looked at me like I was insane. One guy, who must have been forty was all like... "You watch that show too?"

We then got in an Avatar discussion, and apparently a lot of my coworkers liked to watch the show... with their kids of course. (Yeah right!) I told them that the finale would be in a few months, and then we just sat around not taking calls for about fifteen minutes discussing who was going to get with who at the end of the show, and so on. It was so great.

So there's my Avatard moment! I suspect that Nick has more fans than they even suspect, and a lot of them are adults.
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