May 20, 2011 13:17
All My Needs Are Met Now
There is only one life, one power, one source, one indwelling consciousness and that is God. God is all there is. Everything that exists seen or unseen is a manifestation of this one source, which I am connected to. God is all there is.
Since God is all there is and all things emanate from god’s consciousness I emanate from god’s consciousness. I am one with god, who is the source of all things seen and unseen. God’s consciousness indwells within me and animates my spirit. God is all there is and I am a part of god.
Therefore I realize my life flows outward from the ground of being; outward from the place where I am connected to my source. I realize that all my needs are met now. I receive all that I need when it is required. My source is not my job and it is not my bank account. My source is not my retirement accounts or any other assets I may own. These are simply the manifestation of that perfect abundance and prosperity at the source of my being. If these were to be suddenly gone tomorrow I can relax in the knowledge that while the outward manifestation is gone the inner source of my wellbeing is not. At the ground of my being there is a well of life and it pours forth constantly that which I need to sustain myself and live in the world.
Thank you Father, Mother, Spirit, God who has lovingly created me and wrapped me within your consciousness. Thank you for watching over my every need and providing for me the things required to live a sustainable, prosperous life. In gratitude I chose to live generously and share my abundance with my fellow sentient beings.
I release this prayer now. I release into the ground of my being submitting it to the flow of divine consciousness that is the flow and source of all life. I let it go, knowing that as I believe so shall it be done unto me. And I do believe. And so it is.
© 2011 - Hello from Uranus Press. All rights reserved
Excerpt from our forthcoming publication Ground of Being - Metaphysical Meditations on God, Life and Sustainability.
metaphysical meditations,
spiritual mind treatment,
affirmitive prayer,
science of mind,
guided meditations