Spiritual Humanism (differing from Religious Humanism) is a human centered approach to spirituality and to relationship with deity. Spiritual Humanism, while not having a specific creed or dogma does hold several important points to be central axioms to human existence. The first is that God or the Divine dwells within each one of us and we already contain everything we need to bring the so-called Kingdom of Heaven into manifestation in the here and now.
Spiritual Humanism is not Christian. In fact it does not belong to anyone religious group. Spiritual humanists can and do belong to any of the worlds great religions. But many do not, preferring to avoid organized religion for a more personal approach. Spiritual humanist respects the authority of the individual and their innate privilege to live according to the dictates of their conscience. At the same time we value religious community and the process of discernment. We recognize that in every walk of life there are those individuals who seem to be endowed with a greater sense of the ultimate reality and wisdom. Spiritual Humanism is an individual journey that values interpersonal relationships.
The following suggestions are given as an attempt to help others discern a working spiritual humanism for their lives. Belief and acceptance are not required.
- We assert the humanity of Jesus but doubt the reality of his divinity except insomuch that we all posses the same spark of divinity. Jesus as the “son of God” is an ancient Jewish designation for the king who was considered to be God’s appointed representative on earth and, because of the closeness of the relationship, literally the son of God. We assert that the Koran’s statement that Allah was not begotten and does not beget to be closer to the reality of the one true God.
- The Kingdom of God: Jesus made two assertions in the canonical gospels about the Kingdom of Heaven that we feel are apropos to our existence on earth. “The Kingdom of God is at hand” and the “Kingdom of God is within” are not statements of a far off or self-absorbed mystical reality. These statements indicate that it is possible to experience this wonderful Kingdom of God right now in our present moment and we already posses everything we need within us and all around us to bring this reality into manifestation.
- Reason above all. While we acknowledge the spiritual realms and the existence of the supernatural God is ultimately ineffable in our present state of consciousness. However, aware that religious belief often becomes superstitious and oppressive we believe that the light of reason must always be applied to every situation as it arises.
- Reason above Dogma. God is not a member of any one church, religious or racial group. The Jewish assertion that they are the chosen people is based on an ancient tribal consciousness. The same goes for Islam, Christianity or any ideology that seeks to assert its superiority over another. When a religion becomes oppressive to another it no longer operates in the light.
- Ancient Scriptures have much to offer. But they are written by human beings no matter how divinely inspired. They are influenced by the writer’s attitudes, place in history and his or her direct experiences. Texts such as those found in the New Testament are written for a specific group of people at a specific moment in time. They often have value as they come forward to us down through the centuries but discernment must be used to check for relevancy. We must also bear in mind that much is lost or clouded through translation etc.
- Science and Religion are not mutually exclusive. They use different approaches to explore reality. Creation stories such as those in Genesis are simply metaphorical or allegorical in nature and do not explain that “how” of creation. Scriptures are there to explore humanities relationship to deity.
- Theology is a work of religious imagination and therefore operates in the subjective. It is a matter of opinion.
- We reject original sin. Humanity is not condemned at birth. Rather we are born self-centered entities with clean slates. We have the tendency to do good and the tendency to do bad. Our formative years, training and experiences play a big roll. But we also have free will and the ability to use our rational mind. We make choices regarding the type of person we ultimately become. Humans are born human animals but must work to become human beings.
- Maintain a spirit of free and open inquiry
- . Seek spiritual truth in the light of reason
- . Encourage and maintain open dialogue
12. Scientific discoveries and principals do not have to be readapted to fit our present religious and theological models. Theological and Religious models need to evolve and expand as our knowledge and experience of the universe around us changes. This is an important point.
13. Understand and appreciate the role of the subjective or mystical
14. Appreciate the limitations of the scientific process and the limitations of the historical process
15. Acknowledge that our present knowledge and wisdom is subject to change and therefore is not necessarily the knowledge and wisdom of all time.
16. Encourage and provide and experience of the Divine Feminine. Spiritual health requires that we integrate both the male and female in our psyches having equal and profound respect for both.
17. Limit no one's spiritual experience due to gender, race, creed or sexual orientation
18. Love your neighbor as yourself